- 10326606
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- ArXivorg
- 2331-8422
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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We propose a new fast streaming algorithm for the tensor completion problem of imputing missing entries of a lowtubal-rank tensor using the tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD) algebraic framework. We show the t-SVD is a specialization of the well-studied block-term decomposition for third-order tensors, and we present an algorithm under this model that can track changing free submodules from incomplete streaming 2-D data. The proposed algorithm uses principles from incremental gradient descent on the Grassmann manifold of subspaces to solve the tensor completion problem with linear complexity and constant memory in the number of time samples. We provide a local expected linear convergence result for our algorithm. Our empirical results are competitive in accuracy but much faster in compute time than state-of-the-art tensor completion algorithms on real applications to recover temporal chemo-sensing and MRI data under limited sampling.more » « less
Zhang, Yanqing (Ed.)
Learning from complex, multidimensional data has become central to computational mathematics, and among the most successful high-dimensional function approximators are deep neural networks (DNNs). Training DNNs is posed as an optimization problem to learn network weights or parameters that well-approximate a mapping from input to target data. Multiway data or tensors arise naturally in myriad ways in deep learning, in particular as input data and as high-dimensional weights and features extracted by the network, with the latter often being a bottleneck in terms of speed and memory. In this work, we leverage tensor representations and processing to efficiently parameterize DNNs when learning from high-dimensional data. We propose tensor neural networks (t-NNs), a natural extension of traditional fully-connected networks, that can be trained efficiently in a reduced, yet more powerful parameter space. Our t-NNs are built upon matrix-mimetic tensor-tensor products, which retain algebraic properties of matrix multiplication while capturing high-dimensional correlations. Mimeticity enables t-NNs to inherit desirable properties of modern DNN architectures. We exemplify this by extending recent work on stable neural networks, which interpret DNNs as discretizations of differential equations, to our multidimensional framework. We provide empirical evidence of the parametric advantages of t-NNs on dimensionality reduction using autoencoders and classification using fully-connected and stable variants on benchmark imaging datasets MNIST and CIFAR-10.
null (Ed.)We propose a new online algorithm, called TOUCAN, forthe tensor completion problem of imputing missing entriesof a low tubal-rank tensor using the tensor-tensor product (t-product) and tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD) al-gebraic framework. We also demonstrate TOUCAN’s abilityto track changing free submodules from highly incompletestreaming 2-D data. TOUCAN uses principles from incre-mental gradient descent on the Grassmann manifold to solvethe tensor completion problem with linear complexity andconstant memory in the number of time samples. We com-pare our results to state-of-the-art batch tensor completion al-gorithms and matrix completion algorithms. We show our re-sults on real applications to recover temporal MRI data underlimited sampling.more » « less
Tucker decomposition is a low-rank tensor approximation that generalizes a truncated matrix singular value decomposition (SVD). Existing parallel software has shown that Tucker decomposition is particularly effective at compressing terabyte-sized multidimensional scientific simulation datasets, computing reduced representations that satisfy a specified approximation error. The general approach is to get a low-rank approximation of the input data by performing a sequence of matrix SVDs of tensor unfoldings, which tend to be short-fat matrices. In the existing approach, the SVD is performed by computing the eigendecomposition of the Gram matrix of the unfolding. This method sacrifices some numerical stability in exchange for lower computation costs and easier parallelization. We propose using a more numerically stable though more computationally expensive way to compute the SVD by pre- processing with a QR decomposition step and computing an SVD of only the small triangular factor. The more numerically stable approach allows us to achieve the same accuracy with half the working precision (for example, single rather than double precision). We demonstrate that our method scales as well as the existing approach, and the use of lower precision leads to an overall reduction in running time of up to a factor of 2 when using 10s to 1000s of processors. Using the same working precision, we are also able to compute Tucker decompositions with much smaller approximation error.more » « less
With the advent of machine learning and its overarching pervasiveness it is imperative to devise ways to represent large datasets efficiently while distilling intrinsic features necessary for subsequent analysis. The primary workhorse used in data dimensionality reduction and feature extraction has been the matrix singular value decomposition (SVD), which presupposes that data have been arranged in matrix format. A primary goal in this study is to show that high-dimensional datasets are more compressible when treated as tensors (i.e., multiway arrays) and compressed via tensor-SVDs under the tensor-tensor product constructs and its generalizations. We begin by proving Eckart–Young optimality results for families of tensor-SVDs under two different truncation strategies. Since such optimality properties can be proven in both matrix and tensor-based algebras, a fundamental question arises: Does the tensor construct subsume the matrix construct in terms of representation efficiency? The answer is positive, as proven by showing that a tensor-tensor representation of an equal dimensional spanning space can be superior to its matrix counterpart. We then use these optimality results to investigate how the compressed representation provided by the truncated tensor SVD is related both theoretically and empirically to its two closest tensor-based analogs, the truncated high-order SVD and the truncated tensor-train SVD.