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Title: Learning to make decisions via submodular regularization
Many sequential decision making tasks can be viewed as combinatorial optimiza- tion problems over a large number of actions. When the cost of evaluating an ac- tion is high, even a greedy algorithm, which iteratively picks the best action given the history, is prohibitive to run. In this paper, we aim to learn a greedy heuris- tic for sequentially selecting actions as a surrogate for invoking the expensive oracle when evaluating an action. In particular, we focus on a class of combinato- rial problems that can be solved via submodular maximization (either directly on the objective function or via submodular surrogates). We introduce a data-driven optimization framework based on the submodular-norm loss, a novel loss func- tion that encourages the resulting objective to exhibit diminishing returns. Our framework outputs a surrogate objective that is efficient to train, approximately submodular, and can be made permutation-invariant. The latter two properties al- low us to prove strong approximation guarantees for the learned greedy heuristic. Furthermore, our model is easily integrated with modern deep imitation learning pipelines for sequential prediction tasks. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on a variety of batched and sequential optimization tasks, including set cover, active learning, and data-driven protein engineering.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
 International Conference on Learning Representations
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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