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Title: The cohomology of semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties
Abstract We prove a 1979 conjecture of Lusztig on the cohomology of semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties attached to division algebras over local fields. We also prove the two conjectures of Boyarchenko on these varieties. It is known that in this setting, the semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties are ind-schemes comprised of limits of certain finite-type schemes X h {X_{h}} . Boyarchenko’s two conjectures are on the maximality of X h {X_{h}} and on the behavior of the torus-eigenspaces of their cohomology. Both of these conjectures were known in full generality only for division algebras with Hasse invariant 1 / n {1/n} in the case h = 2 {h=2} (the “lowest level”) by the work of Boyarchenko–Weinstein on the cohomology of a special affinoid in the Lubin–Tate tower. We prove that the number of rational points of X h {X_{h}} attains its Weil–Deligne bound, so that the cohomology of X h {X_{h}} is pure in a very strong sense. We prove that the torus-eigenspaces of the cohomology group H c i ⁢ ( X h ) {H_{c}^{i}(X_{h})} are irreducible representations and are supported in exactly one cohomological degree. Finally, we give a complete description of the homology groups of the semi-infinite Deligne–Lusztig varieties attached to any division algebra, thus giving a geometric realization of a large class of supercuspidal representations of these groups. Moreover, the correspondence θ ↦ H c i ⁢ ( X h ) ⁢ [ θ ] {\theta\mapsto H_{c}^{i}(X_{h})[\theta]} agrees with local Langlands and Jacquet–Langlands correspondences. The techniques developed in this paper should be useful in studying these constructions for p -adic groups in general.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
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Journal Name:
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)
Page Range / eLocation ID:
93 to 147
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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