Title: IncShrink: Architecting Efficient Outsourced Databases using Incremental MPC and Differential Privacy
In this paper, we consider secure outsourced growing databases (SOGDB) that support view-based query answering. These databases allow untrusted servers to privately maintain a materialized view. This allows servers to use only the materialized view for query processing instead of accessing the original data from which the view was derived. To tackle this, we devise a novel view-based SOGDB framework, Incshrink. The key features of this solution are: (i) Incshrink maintains the view using incremental MPC operators which eliminates the need for a trusted third party upfront, and (ii) to ensure high performance, Incshrink guarantees that the leakage satisfies DP in the presence of updates. To the best of our knowledge, there are no existing systems that have these properties. We demonstrate Incshrink's practical feasibility in terms of efficiency and accuracy with extensive experiments on real-world datasets and the TPC-ds benchmark. The evaluation results show that Incshrink provides a 3-way trade-off in terms of privacy, accuracy and efficiency, and offers at least a 7,800x performance advantage over standard SOGDB that do not support view-based query paradigm. more »« less
Huang, Zezhou; Sen, Rathijit; Liu, Jiaxiang; Wu, Eugene(
, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment)
Although dominant for tabular data, ML libraries that train tree models over normalized databases (e.g., LightGBM, XGBoost) require the data to be denormalized as a single table, materialized, and exported. This process is not scalable, slow, and poses security risks. In-DB ML aims to train models within DBMSes to avoid data movement and provide data governance. Rather than modify a DBMS to support In-DB ML, is it possible to offer competitive tree training performance to specialized ML libraries...with only SQL?
We present JoinBoost, a Python library that rewrites tree training algorithms over normalized databases into pure SQL. It is portable to any DBMS, offers performance competitive with specialized ML libraries, and scales with the underlying DBMS capabilities. JoinBoost extends prior work from both algorithmic and systems perspectives. Algorithmically, we support factorized gradient boosting, by updating theYvariable to the residual in thenon-materialized join result.Although this view update problem is generally ambiguous, we identifyaddition-to-multiplication preserving, the key property of variance semi-ring to supportrmsethe most widely used criterion. System-wise, we identify residual updates as a performance bottleneck. Such overhead can be natively minimized on columnar DBMSes by creating a new column of residual values and adding it as a projection. We validate this with two implementations on DuckDB, with no or minimal modifications to its internals for portability. Our experiment shows that JoinBoost is 3× (1.1×) faster for random forests (gradient boosting) compared to LightGBM, and over an order of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art In-DB ML systems. Further, JoinBoost scales well beyond LightGBM in terms of the # features, DB size (TPC-DS SF=1000), and join graph complexity (galaxy schemas).
Bater, Johes; He, Xi; Ehrich, William; Machanavajjhala, Ashwin; Rogers, Jennie(
, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment)
A private data federation is a set of autonomous databases that share a unified query interface offering in-situ evaluation of SQL queries over the union of the sensitive data of its members. Owing to privacy concerns, these systems do not have a trusted data collector that can see all their data and their member databases cannot learn about individual records of other engines. Federations currently achieve this goal by evaluating queries obliviously using secure multiparty computation. This hides the intermediate result cardinality of each query operator by exhaustively padding it. With cascades of such operators, this padding accumulates to a blow-up in the output size of each operator and a proportional loss in query performance. Hence, existing private data federations do not scale well to complex SQL queries over large datasets. We introduce Shrinkwrap, a private data federation that offers data owners a differentially private view of the data held by others to improve their performance over oblivious query processing. Shrinkwrap uses computational differential privacy to minimize the padding of intermediate query results, achieving up to a 35X performance improvement over oblivious query processing. When the query needs differentially private output, Shrinkwrap provides a trade-off between result accuracy and query evaluation performance.
We introduce theReverseSpatial Top-kKeyword (RSK)query, which is defined as:given a query term q, an integer k and a neighborhood size find all the neighborhoods of that size where q is in the top-k most frequent terms among the social posts in those neighborhoods. An obvious approach would be to partition the dataset with a uniform grid structure of a given cell size and identify the cells where this term is in the top-k most frequent keywords. However, this answer would be incomplete since it only checks for neighborhoods that are perfectly aligned with the grid. Furthermore, for every neighborhood (square) that is an answer, we can define infinitely more result neighborhoods by minimally shifting the square without including more posts in it. To address that, we need to identify contiguous regions where any point in the region can be the center of a neighborhood that satisfies the query. We propose an algorithm to efficiently answer an RSK query using an index structure consisting of a uniform grid augmented by materialized lists of term frequencies. We apply various optimizations that drastically improve query latency against baseline approaches. We also provide a theoretical model to choose the optimal cell size for the index to minimize query latency. We further examine a restricted version of the problem (RSKR) that limits the scope of the answer and propose efficientapproximatealgorithms. Finally, we examine how parallelism can improve performance by balancing the workload using a smartload slicingtechnique. Extensive experimental performance evaluation of the proposed methods using real Twitter datasets and crime report datasets, shows the efficiency of our optimizations and the accuracy of the proposed theoretical model.
Cost-based query optimization remains a critical task in relational databases even after decades of research and industrial development. Query optimizers rely on a large range of statistical synopses for accurate cardinality estimation. As the complexity of selections and the number of join predicates increase, two problems arise. First, statistics cannot be incrementally composed to effectively estimate the cost of the sub-plans generated in plan enumeration. Second, small errors are propagated exponentially through joins, which can lead to severely sub-optimal plans. In this paper, we introduce COMPASS, a novel query optimization paradigm for in-memory databases based on a single type of statistics---Fast-AGMS sketches. In COMPASS, query optimization and execution are intertwined. Selection predicates and sketch updates are pushed-down and evaluated online during query optimization. This allows Fast-AGMS sketches to be computed only over the relevant tuples---which enhances cardinality estimation accuracy. Plan enumeration is performed over the query join graph by incrementally composing attribute-level sketches---not by building a separate sketch for every sub-plan. We prototype COMPASS in MapD -- an open-source parallel database -- and perform extensive experiments over the complete JOB benchmark. The results prove that COMPASS generates better execution plans -- both in terms of cardinality and runtime -- compared to four other database systems. Overall, COMPASS achieves a speedup ranging from 1.35X to 11.28X in cumulative query execution time over the considered competitors.
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Cost-based query optimization remains a critical task in relational databases even after decades of research and industrial development. Query optimizers rely on a large range of statistical synopses -- including attribute-level histograms and table-level samples -- for accurate cardinality estimation. As the complexity of selection predicates and the number of join predicates increase, two problems arise. First, statistics cannot be incrementally composed to effectively estimate the cost of the sub-plans generated in plan enumeration. Second, small errors are propagated exponentially through joins, which can lead to severely sub-optimal plans. In this paper, we introduce COMPASS, a novel query optimization paradigm for in-memory databases based on a single type of statistics---Fast-AGMS sketches. In COMPASS, query optimization and execution are intertwined. Selection predicates and sketch updates are pushed-down and evaluated online during query optimization. This allows Fast-AGMS sketches to be computed only over the relevant tuples---which enhances cardinality estimation accuracy. Plan enumeration is performed over the query join graph by incrementally composing attribute-level sketches---not by building a separate sketch for every sub-plan.We prototype COMPASS in MapD -- an open-source parallel database -- and perform extensive experiments over the complete JOB benchmark. The results prove the reduced overhead COMPASS incurs, while generating better execution plans -- both in terms of cardinality and runtime -- compared to four other database systems. Overall, COMPASS achieves a speedup ranging from 1.89X to 7.09X in cumulative query execution time over the considered competitors. Moreover, COMPASS is the only optimizer that consistently generates effective plans for complex queries with 10 or more joins.
Mailthody, Vikram Sharma; Qureshi, Zaid; Liang, Weixin; Feng, Ziyan; de Gonzalo, Simon Garcia; Li, Youjie; Franke, Hubertus; Xiong, Jinjun; Huang, Jian; Hwu, Wen-mei(
, Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO'19))
Recent advancements in deep learning techniques facilitate intelligent-query support in diverse applications, such as content-based image retrieval and audio texturing. Unlike conventional key-based queries, these intelligent queries lack efficient indexing and require complex compute operations for feature matching. To achieve high-performance intelligent querying against massive datasets, modern computing systems employ GPUs in-conjunction with solid-state drives (SSDs) for fast data access and parallel data processing. However, our characterization with various intelligent-query workloads developed with deep neural networks (DNNs), shows that the storage I/O bandwidth is still the major bottleneck that contributes 56%--90% of the query execution time.
To this end, we present DeepStore, an in-storage accelerator architecture for intelligent queries. It consists of (1) energy-efficient in-storage accelerators designed specifically for supporting DNN-based intelligent queries, under the resource constraints in modern SSD controllers; (2) a similarity-based in-storage query cache to exploit the temporal locality of user queries for further performance improvement; and (3) a lightweight in-storage runtime system working as the query engine, which provides a simple software abstraction to support different types of intelligent queries. DeepStore exploits SSD parallelisms with design space exploration for achieving the maximal energy efficiency for in-storage accelerators. We validate DeepStore design with an SSD simulator, and evaluate it with a variety of vision, text, and audio based intelligent queries. Compared with the state-of-the-art GPU+SSD approach, DeepStore improves the query performance by up to 17.7×, and energy-efficiency by up to 78.6×.
Wang, Chenghong, Bater, Johes, Nayak, Kartik, and Machanavajjhala, Ashwin. IncShrink: Architecting Efficient Outsourced Databases using Incremental MPC and Differential Privacy. Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10340691. SIGMOD '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data . Web. doi:10.1145/3514221.3526151.
Wang, Chenghong, Bater, Johes, Nayak, Kartik, & Machanavajjhala, Ashwin. IncShrink: Architecting Efficient Outsourced Databases using Incremental MPC and Differential Privacy. SIGMOD '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data, (). Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10340691. https://doi.org/10.1145/3514221.3526151
Wang, Chenghong, Bater, Johes, Nayak, Kartik, and Machanavajjhala, Ashwin.
"IncShrink: Architecting Efficient Outsourced Databases using Incremental MPC and Differential Privacy". SIGMOD '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data (). Country unknown/Code not available. https://doi.org/10.1145/3514221.3526151.https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10340691.
place = {Country unknown/Code not available},
title = {IncShrink: Architecting Efficient Outsourced Databases using Incremental MPC and Differential Privacy},
url = {https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10340691},
DOI = {10.1145/3514221.3526151},
abstractNote = {In this paper, we consider secure outsourced growing databases (SOGDB) that support view-based query answering. These databases allow untrusted servers to privately maintain a materialized view. This allows servers to use only the materialized view for query processing instead of accessing the original data from which the view was derived. To tackle this, we devise a novel view-based SOGDB framework, Incshrink. The key features of this solution are: (i) Incshrink maintains the view using incremental MPC operators which eliminates the need for a trusted third party upfront, and (ii) to ensure high performance, Incshrink guarantees that the leakage satisfies DP in the presence of updates. To the best of our knowledge, there are no existing systems that have these properties. We demonstrate Incshrink's practical feasibility in terms of efficiency and accuracy with extensive experiments on real-world datasets and the TPC-ds benchmark. The evaluation results show that Incshrink provides a 3-way trade-off in terms of privacy, accuracy and efficiency, and offers at least a 7,800x performance advantage over standard SOGDB that do not support view-based query paradigm.},
journal = {SIGMOD '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data},
author = {Wang, Chenghong and Bater, Johes and Nayak, Kartik and Machanavajjhala, Ashwin},
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