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Title: 3D gravity in a box
The quantization of pure 3D gravity with Dirichlet boundaryconditions on a finite boundary is of interest both as a model ofquantum gravity in which one can compute quantities which are ``morelocal" than S-matrices or asymptotic boundary correlators, and forits proposed holographic duality to T\overline{T} T T ¯ -deformedCFTs. In this work we apply covariant phase space methods to deduce thePoisson bracket algebra of boundary observables. The result is aone-parameter nonlinear deformation of the usual Virasoro algebra ofasymptotically AdS _3 3 gravity. This algebra should be obeyed by the stress tensor in any T\overline{T} T T ¯ -deformedholographic CFT. We next initiate quantization of this system within thegeneral framework of coadjoint orbits, obtaining — in perturbationtheory — a deformed version of the Alekseev-Shatashvili symplectic formand its associated geometric action. The resulting energy spectrum isconsistent with the expected spectrum of T\overline{T} T T ¯ -deformedtheories, although we only carry out the explicit comparison to \mathcal{O}(1/\sqrt{c}) 𝒪 ( 1 / c ) in the 1/c 1 / c expansion.  more » « less
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SciPost Physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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