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Title: High geomagnetic field intensity recorded by anorthosite xenoliths requires a strongly powered late Mesoproterozoic geodynamo
Obtaining estimates of Earth’s magnetic field strength in deep time is complicated by nonideal rock magnetic behavior in many igneous rocks. In this study, we target anorthosite xenoliths that cooled and acquired their magnetization within ca. 1,092 Ma shallowly emplaced diabase intrusions of the North American Midcontinent Rift. In contrast to the diabase which fails to provide reliable paleointensity estimates, the anorthosite xenoliths are unusually high-fidelity recorders yielding high-quality, single-slope paleointensity results that are consistent at specimen and site levels. An average value of ∼83 ZAm 2 for the virtual dipole moment from the anorthosite xenoliths, with the highest site-level values up to ∼129 ZAm 2 , is higher than that of the dipole component of Earth’s magnetic field today and rivals the highest values in the paleointensity database. Such high intensities recorded by the anorthosite xenoliths require the existence of a strongly powered geodynamo at the time. Together with previous paleointensity data from other Midcontinent Rift rocks, these results indicate that a dynamo with strong power sources persisted for more than 14 My ca. 1.1 Ga. These data are inconsistent with there being a progressive monotonic decay of Earth’s dynamo strength through the Proterozoic Eon and could challenge the hypothesis of a young inner core. The multiple observed paleointensity transitions from weak to strong in the Paleozoic and the Proterozoic present challenges in identifying the onset of inner core nucleation based on paleointensity records alone.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1847277 2153786
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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