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Title: Equivalence relations and determinacy
We introduce the notion of [Formula: see text]-determinacy for [Formula: see text] a pointclass and [Formula: see text] an equivalence relation on a Polish space [Formula: see text]. A case of particular interest is the case when [Formula: see text] is the (left) shift-action of [Formula: see text] on [Formula: see text] where [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text]. We show that for all shift actions by countable groups [Formula: see text], and any “reasonable” pointclass [Formula: see text], that [Formula: see text]-determinacy implies [Formula: see text]-determinacy. We also prove a corresponding result when [Formula: see text] is a subshift of finite type of the shift map on [Formula: see text].  more » « less
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Journal of Mathematical Logic
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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