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Title: Locally Resonant Effective Phononic Crystals for Subwavelength Vibration Control of Torsional Cylindrical Waves
Abstract Locally resonant materials allow for wave propagation control in the subwavelength regime. Even though these materials do not need periodicity, they are usually designed as periodic systems since this allows for the application of the Bloch theorem and analysis of the entire system based on a single unit cell. However, geometries that are invariant to translation result in equations of motion with periodic coefficients only if we assume plane wave propagation. When wave fronts are cylindrical or spherical, a system realized through tessellation of a unit cell does not result in periodic coefficients and the Bloch theorem cannot be applied. Therefore, most studies of periodic locally resonant systems are limited to plane wave propagation. In this article, we address this limitation by introducing a locally resonant effective phononic crystal composed of a radially varying matrix with attached torsional resonators. This material is not geometrically periodic but exhibits effective periodicity, i.e., its equations of motion are invariant to radial translations, allowing the Bloch theorem to be applied to radially propagating torsional waves. We show that this material can be analyzed under the already developed framework for metamaterials. To show the importance of using an effectively periodic system, we compare its behavior to a system that is not effectively periodic but has geometric periodicity. We show considerable differences in transmission as well as in the negative effective properties of these two systems. Locally resonant effective phononic crystals open possibilities for subwavelength elastic wave control in the near field of sources.  more » « less
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Journal Name:
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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