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Title: “That Was the Biggest Help”: The Importance of Familial Support for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Community College Students
This analysis reveals the informal instrumental and socio-emotional support that non-traditional (e.g. Latinx, Black, Indigenous, lower-income, and first-generation) college students receive from family members to combat experiences of marginalization and contribute towards their self-efficacy. Family support can be particularly important for underrepresented undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students who have been shown to have higher risks of dropping out of their program and experience lower levels of success indicators (e.g. sense of belonging, self-concept, and STEM identity) compared to their white and Asian peers. Therefore, it is important to further investigate the nuances of family support contributing to non-traditional student retention and success. Utilizing a phenomenological approach, we used open-ended questions during focus groups with community college transfer students to gain their experiences with challenges and feelings of belonging in college and STEM. This article investigates the value family support holds for students in surviving STEM challenges by extending family to include romantic partners and extended family as well as applying the funds of knowledge framework to community college transfer students.  more » « less
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Frontiers in education
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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