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Title: Arabidopsis thaliana CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE‐GATED CHANNEL2 mediates extracellular ATP signal transduction in root epidermis

Damage can be signalled by extracellular ATP (eATP) using plasma membrane (PM) receptors to effect cytosolic free calcium ion ([Ca2+]cyt) increase as a second messenger. The downstream PM Ca2+channels remain enigmatic. Here, theArabidopsis thalianaCa2+channel subunit CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE‐GATED CHANNEL2 (CNGC2) was identified as a critical component linking eATP receptors to downstream [Ca2+]cytsignalling in roots.

Extracellular ATP‐induced changes in single epidermal cell PM voltage and conductance were measured electrophysiologically, changes in root [Ca2+]cytwere measured with aequorin, and root transcriptional changes were determined by quantitative real‐time PCR. Twocngc2loss‐of‐function mutants were used:cngc2‐3anddefence not death1(which expresses cytosolic aequorin).

Extracellular ATP‐induced transient depolarization of Arabidopsis root elongation zone epidermal PM voltage was Ca2+dependent, requiring CNGC2 but not CNGC4 (its channel co‐subunit in immunity signalling). Activation of PM Ca2+influx currents also required CNGC2. The eATP‐induced [Ca2+]cytincrease and transcriptional response incngc2roots were significantly impaired.

CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE‐GATED CHANNEL2 is required for eATP‐induced epidermal Ca2+influx, causing depolarization leading to [Ca2+]cytincrease and damage‐related transcriptional response.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Publisher / Repository:
Date Published:
Journal Name:
New Phytologist
Medium: X Size: p. 412-421
p. 412-421
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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