Transport systems are crucial in many plant processes, including plant–microbe interactions. Nodule formation and function in legumes involve the expression and regulation of multiple transport proteins, and many are still uncharacterized, particularly for nitrogen transport. Amino acids originating from the nitrogen-fixing process are an essential form of nitrogen for legumes. This work evaluates the role of MtN21 (henceforth MtUMAMIT14), a putative transport system from the MtN21/EamA-like/UMAMIT family, in nodule formation and nitrogen fixation in
Symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation entails successful interaction between legume hosts and rhizobia that occur in specialized organs called nodules. N-fixing legumes have a higher demand for phosphorus (P) than legumes grown on mineral N. Medicago truncatula is an important model plant for characterization of effects of P deficiency at the molecular level. Hence, a study was carried out to address the alteration in metabolite levels of M. truncatula grown aeroponically and subjected to 4 weeks of P stress. First, GC-MS-based untargeted metabolomics initially revealed changes in the metabolic profile of nodules, with increased levels of amino acids and sugars and a decline in amounts of organic acids. Subsequently, LC-MS/MS was used to quantify these compounds including phosphorylated metabolites in the whole plant. Our results showed a drastic reduction in levels of organic acids and phosphorylated compounds in –P leaves, with a moderate reduction in –P roots and nodules. Additionally, sugars and amino acids were elevated in the whole plant under P deprivation. These findings provide evidence that N fixation in M. truncatula is mediated through a N feedback mechanism that in parallel is related to carbon and P metabolism.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2139351
- 10365545
- Publisher / Repository:
- Oxford University Press
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Experimental Botany
- Volume:
- 73
- Issue:
- 7
- 0022-0957
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- p. 2093-2111
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The model legume
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