This study examined the contribution of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) to the record-breaking 2013–17 drought in the Korean Peninsula. The meteorological drought signal, measured by the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), in 2013 and 2016 co-occurred with a heat wave. The positive phase of the PDO during the mid-2010s was responsible for the precipitation deficit, particularly in 2014, 2015, and 2017, resulting in 5 years of meteorological drought. The enhanced atmospheric heating anomalies over the subtropical central Pacific, induced by the in situ PDO-related sea surface temperature (SST) warming, led to a low-atmospheric cyclonic flow centered over the midlatitude Pacific. The northerly wind anomalies at the western edge of this low-level cyclonic flow were responsible for the horizontal negative advection of moist energy, which contributed to the decreased precipitation and the resultant negative SPI over the Korean Peninsula in 2014, 2015, and 2017. The large-ensemble simulation supported the observational findings that the composited SST anomalies during the 5 years of persistent drought exhibited prominent and persistent SST warming over the subtropical central Pacific, along with large-scale cyclonic flow over the North Pacific. The findings of this study imply that the SST anomalies over the North Pacific and subtropical central Pacific can be a predictable source to potentially increase the ability to forecast multiyear droughts over the Korean Peninsula.
In the Congo Basin, a drying trend in the April–May–June rains prevailed between 1979 and 2014, accompanied by a decline in forest productivity. This article examines the subsequent years, in order to determine whether rainfall conditions have improved and to examine meteorological factors governing conditions in those years. It is shown that a wetter period, comparable to that of 1979–1993, spanned the years 2016–2020. However, the meteorological factors responsible for the wetter conditions appear to be significantly different from those related to the earlier wet period. The wetter conditions of 1979–1993 were associated with changes in the tropical Walker circulation, in moisture flux and flux divergence, and in Pacific sea-surface temperatures (SST), namely a warmer central and eastern Pacific and a cooler western Pacific, compared to the dry phase in 2000–2014. This resulted in a lower-than-average trans-Pacific SST gradient. In contrast, SSTs were almost ubiquitously higher in the 2016–2020 period than in either prior period. However, there was some reduction in the trans-Pacific gradient. The Walker circulation and moisture flux/flux divergence were not factors in this episode. The major factors provoking the return to wetter years appear to be an increase in convective available potential energy and in total column water vapor. This could be related to the general warming of the oceans and land.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 1850661
- 10367249
- Publisher / Repository:
- IOP Publishing
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Environmental Research Letters
- Volume:
- 17
- Issue:
- 5
- 1748-9326
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- Article No. 054052
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract. The main drivers of the continental Northern Hemisphere snow cover are investigated in the 1979–2014 period. Four observational datasets are usedas are two large multi-model ensembles of atmosphere-only simulations with prescribed sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice concentration (SIC). Afirst ensemble uses observed interannually varying SST and SIC conditions for 1979–2014, while a second ensemble is identical except for SIC witha repeated climatological cycle used. SST and external forcing typically explain 10 % to 25 % of the snow cover variance in modelsimulations, with a dominant forcing from the tropical and North Pacific SST during this period. In terms of the climate influence of the snow coveranomalies, both observations and models show no robust links between the November and April snow cover variability and the atmospheric circulation1 month later. On the other hand, the first mode of Eurasian snow cover variability in January, with more extended snow over western Eurasia, isfound to precede an atmospheric circulation pattern by 1 month, similar to a negative Arctic oscillation (AO). A decomposition of the variabilityin the model simulations shows that this relationship is mainly due to internal climate variability. Detailed outputs from one of the modelsindicate that the western Eurasia snow cover anomalies are preceded by a negative AO phase accompanied by a Ural blocking pattern and astratospheric polar vortex weakening. The link between the AO and the snow cover variability is strongly related to the concomitant role of thestratospheric polar vortex, with the Eurasian snow cover acting as a positive feedback for the AO variability in winter. No robust influence of theSIC variability is found, as the sea ice loss in these simulations only drives an insignificant fraction of the snow cover anomalies, with fewagreements among models.more » « less
Abstract Atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) is used to study the variability of Earth’s atmospheric circulation during the past 45 years, a time of considerable climate change. Using global AAM, two interdecadal states are defined covering the periods 1977–98 (hereinafter P1) and 1999–2022 (P2). Global AAM decreased from P1 to P2 and was accompanied by weakened subtropical jet streams in both hemispheres, strong convection around the northern Maritime Continent, and a strengthened sea surface temperature (SST) gradient across the tropical Pacific Ocean. The period differences project onto 1) internal interdecadal Pacific variability (IPV), 2) a postulated transient ocean thermostat response to greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions, and 3) circulation anomalies related to the ozone hole. During 1977–2023, the first two processes are forcing the climate toward larger Pacific Ocean SST gradients and a poleward expansion of the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP), especially into the Northern Hemisphere. The ozone hole produces its own distinct pattern of anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere that tend to become persistent in the early 1990s. The zonal and vertical mean AAM variations during P1 have frequent westerly wind anomalies between 40°N and 40°S with poleward propagation on interannual time scales. During P2, the circulation is dominated by subtropical easterly wind anomalies, poleward-shifted jets, and weaker propagation. Locally, the zonal mean anomalies manifest as midlatitude ridges that lead to continental droughts. Case studies illustrate the weakened subtropical jet streams of P2 and examine the factors behind a transition to La Niña in early 2020 that maintains the P2 pattern.