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Title: Gelatinous cephalopods as important prey for a deep-sea fish predator

We quantified cephalopods consumed by longnose lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox,n = 1267 stomachs containing cephalopod remains) from 2009 to 2018 in the central North Pacific Ocean (between 0–35° N and 135–175° W). When cephalopods identified from beak remains in the stomach contents were included in diet analyses, clear increases in the abundance of gelatinous taxa and the inferred foraging depths of lancetfish were evident. Ontogeny in cephalopod consumption was evident for lancetfish, corroborating past diet studies. Small lancetfish (fork length < 97 cm) fed on smaller, muscular cephalopods from shallow habitats (0–500 m, e.g., Ommastrephidae, Onychoteuthidae), while large lancetfish (fork length ≥ 97 cm) consumed larger, gelatinous cephalopods from deeper waters (depths greater than 500 m, e.g., Amphitretidae, Cranchiidae). Cephalopod beaks were more abundant in the diets of large lancetfish, representing 37.8% of identified cephalopods, numerically. Although beaks likely remain in stomachs longer than soft tissues, they did not simply accumulate with increasing predator size. Cephalopods identified from beaks were also significantly larger than those identified from soft tissues. Despite having low average energy densities, large gelatinous cephalopods are important prey for lancetfish in deep habitats, with energetic values that are comparable to smaller, more muscular cephalopods (95.3 ± 125.8 kJ and 120.2 ± 169.4 kJ, respectively). Holistic consideration of cephalopod beaks in diet analyses will help to elucidate predator foraging behaviors and the trophic and ecological roles of gelatinous cephalopods in deep pelagic food webs.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Publisher / Repository:
Springer Science + Business Media
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Marine Biology
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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