Models of dynamic networks—networks that evolve over time—have manifold applications. We develop a discrete time generative model for social network evolution that inherits the richness and flexibility of the class of exponential family random-graph models. The model—a separable temporal exponential family random-graph model—facilitates separable modelling of the tie duration distributions and the structural dynamics of tie formation. We develop likelihood-based inference for the model and provide computational algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation. We illustrate the interpretability of the model in analysing a longitudinal network of friendship ties within a school.
Model‐based clustering of time‐evolving networks has emerged as one of the important research topics in statistical network analysis. It is a fundamental research question to model time‐varying network parameters. However, due to difficulties in modelling functional network parameters, there is little progress in the current literature to model time‐varying network parameters effectively. In this work, we model network parameters as univariate nonparametric functions instead of constants. We effectively estimate those functional network parameters in temporal exponential‐family random graph models using a kernel regression technique and a local likelihood approach. Furthermore, we propose a semiparametric finite mixture of temporal exponential‐family random graph models by adopting finite mixture models, which simultaneously allows both modelling and detecting groups in time‐evolving networks. Also, we use a conditional likelihood to construct an effective model selection criterion and network cross‐validation to choose an optimal bandwidth. The power of our method is demonstrated in simulation studies and real‐world applications to dynamic international trade networks and dynamic arm trade networks.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10380544
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Stat
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 1
- 2049-1573
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Summary -
Low‐dimensional parametric models for network dynamics have been successful as inferentially efficient and interpretable tools for modelling network evolution but have difficulty in settings with strong time inhomogeneity (particularly when sharp variation in parameters is possible and covariates are limited). Here, we propose to address this problem via a novel family of block‐structured dynamic exponential‐family random graph models (ERGMs), where the time domain is divided into consecutive blocks and the network parameters are assumed to evolve smoothly within each block. In particular, we let the latent ERGM parameters follow a piecewise polynomial model with an unknown block structure (e.g., change points). We propose an iterative estimation procedure that involves estimating the block structure using trend filtering and fitting ERGMs for networks belonging to the same time block. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed approach using simulation studies and applications to interbank transaction networks and citations among political blogs over the course of an electoral cycle.
Abstract Dynamic community detection provides a coherent description of network clusters over time, allowing one to track the growth and death of communities as the network evolves. However, modularity maximization, a popular method for performing multilayer community detection, requires the specification of an appropriate null network as well as resolution and interlayer coupling parameters. Importantly, the ability of the algorithm to accurately detect community evolution is dependent on the choice of these parameters. In functional temporal networks, where evolving communities reflect changing functional relationships between network nodes, it is especially important that the detected communities reflect any state changes of the system. Here, we present analytical work suggesting that a uniform null network provides improved sensitivity to the detection of small evolving communities in temporal networks with positive edge weights bounded above by 1, such as certain types of correlation networks. We then propose a method for increasing the sensitivity of modularity maximization to state changes in nodal dynamics by modelling self-identity links between layers based on the self-similarity of the network nodes between layers. This method is more appropriate for functional temporal networks from both a modelling and mathematical perspective, as it incorporates the dynamic nature of network nodes. We motivate our method based on applications in neuroscience where network nodes represent neurons and functional edges represent similarity of firing patterns in time. We show that in simulated data sets of neuronal spike trains, updating interlayer links based on the firing properties of the neurons provides superior community detection of evolving network structure when groups of neurons change their firing properties over time. Finally, we apply our method to experimental calcium imaging data that monitors the spiking activity of hundreds of neurons to track the evolution of neuronal communities during a state change from the awake to anaesthetized state.
null (Ed.)Abstract Understanding the impact of engineering design on product competitions is imperative for product designers to better address customer needs and develop more competitive products. In this paper, we propose a dynamic network-based approach for modeling and analyzing the evolution of product competitions using multi-year buyer survey data. The product co-consideration network, formed based on the likelihood of two products being co-considered from survey data, is treated as a proxy of products’ competition relations in a market. The separate temporal exponential random graph model (STERGM) is employed as the dynamic network modeling technique to model the evolution of network as two separate processes: link formation and link dissolution. We use China’s automotive market as a case study to illustrate the implementation of the proposed approach and the benefits of dynamic network models compared to the static network modeling approach based on an exponential random graph model (ERGM). The results show that since STERGM takes preexisting competition relations into account, it provides a pathway to gain insights into why a product may maintain or lose its competitiveness over time. These driving factors include both product attributes (e.g., fuel consumption) as well as current market structures (e.g., the centralization effect). With the proposed dynamic network-based approach, the insights gained from this paper can help designers better interpret the temporal changes of product competition relations to support product design decisions.more » « less
null (Ed.)Co-evolving time series appears in a multitude of applications such as environmental monitoring, financial analysis, and smart transportation. This paper aims to address the following three challenges, including (C1) how to effectively model its multi-mode tensor structure at each time step; (C2) how to incorporate explicit relationship networks of the time series; (C3) how to model the implicit relationship of the temporal dynamics. We propose a novel model called Network of Tensor Time Series, which is comprised of two modules, including Tensor Graph Convolutional Network (TGCN) and Tensor Recurrent Neural Network (TRNN). TGCN tackles the first two challenges by generalizing Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) for flat graphs to tensor graphs, which captures the synergy between multiple graphs associated with the tensors. TRNN leverages tensor decomposition to balance the trade-off between the commonality and specificity of the co-evolving time series. The experimental results on five real-world datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.more » « less