Centring is a commonly used technique in linear regression analysis. With centred data on both the responses and covariates, the ordinary least squares estimator of the slope parameter can be calculated from a model without the intercept. If a subsample is selected from a centred full data, the subsample is typically uncentred. In this case, is it still appropriate to fit a model without the intercept? The answer is yes, and we show that the least squares estimator on the slope parameter obtained from a model without the intercept is unbiased and it has a smaller variance covariance matrix in the Loewner order than that obtained from a model with the intercept. We further show that for noninformative weighted subsampling when a weighted least squares estimator is used, using the full data weighted means to relocate the subsample improves the estimation efficiency.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2105571
- 10387850
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley Blackwell (John Wiley & Sons)
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Stat
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 1
- 2049-1573
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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