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Title: The extraordinary boundary transition in the 3d O(N) model via conformal bootstrap
This paper studies the critical behavior of the 3d classicalO (N) ( N ) model with a boundary. Recently, one of us established that upontreating N N as a continuous variable, there exists a critical value N_c > 2 N c > 2 such that for 2 \leq N < N_c 2 ≤ N < N c the model exhibits a new extraordinary-log boundary universality class,if the symmetry preserving interactions on the boundary are enhanced. N_c N c is determined by a ratio of universal amplitudes in the normaluniversality class, where instead a symmetry breaking field is appliedon the boundary. We study the normal universality class using thenumerical conformal bootstrap. We find truncated solutions to thecrossing equation that indicate N_c \approx 5 N c ≈ 5 .Additionally, we use semi-definite programming to place rigorous boundson the boundary CFT data of interest to conclude that N_c > 3 N c > 3 ,under a certain positivity assumption which we check in variousperturbative limits.  more » « less
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SciPost Physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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