- Award ID(s):
- 1756381
- 10401927
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- PeerJ
- Volume:
- 10
- 2167-8359
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- e14386
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Recruitment is a key demographic process for maintenance of local populations and recovery following disturbance. For marine invertebrates, distribution and abundances of recruits are impacted by spatiotemporal variation in larval supply, settlement rates and post-settlement survival. However, for colonial and modular organisms, differences in survival and growth between settlers and colonial recruits may also affect recruitment patterns. In the Caribbean, shifts in the benthic community structure favoring octocoral’s have been detected, and recruitment has been suggested as key for octocoral’s resilience. Hence, we studied octocoral recruitment dynamics, and evaluated the role of pre-settlement, settlement and post-settlement processes in recruit’s densities. We performed the study at two sites with different octocoral densities, on the south coast of St. John, United States Virgin Islands, and distinguished between processes occurring to recently settled polyps and to colonial recruits. At both sites, we monitored P. homomalla settlers on settlement tiles for 3 months, and colonial recruits of two of the most abundant genera ( Eunicea and Pseudoplexaura) for 3 years. In addition, we assessed whether recruits morphological traits affected recruitment and divided recruits of the genus Eunicea based on the presence of large calyces. The major contributor to both, single-polyps and colonial recruit densities was larval supply. Single-polyp densities were not limited by the availability of space, settlement cues, or early post-settlement survival. Height was the only predictor of survival and growth of colonial recruits, with potential growth rates increasing with height. However, large recruits suffered partial mortality often, distorting the relationship between recruit age and size, and causing most recruits to remain in the recruit size class (≤5 cm) longer than a year. Octocorals have been resilient to the conditions that have driven the decline of scleractinian corals throughout the Caribbean, and recruitment has been key to that success. Our results are crucial to understand early life history dynamics of Caribbean octocorals, and highlights the need to standardize the definition of recruit among colonial and modular taxa to facilitate inter-specific comparisons, and to understand future changes in coral reef community assemblages.more » « less
null (Ed.)Since about the turn of the millennium, octocorals have been increasing in abundance on Caribbean reefs. The mechanisms underlying this trend have not been resolved, but the emergent species assemblage appears to be more resilient than the scleractinians they are replacing. The sea fan Gorgonia ventalina is an iconic species in the contemporary octocoral fauna, and here its population dynamics are described from St. John, US Virgin Islands, from 2013 to 2019. Mean densities of G. ventalina at Yawzi Point (9-m depth) varied from 1.4–1.5 colonies m −2 , and their mean heights from 24–30 cm; nearby at Tektite (14-m depth), they varied from 0.6–0.8 colonies m −2 and from 25–33 cm. These reefs were impacted by two Category 5 hurricanes in 2017, but neither the density of G. ventalina , the density of their recruits (< 5-cm tall), nor the height of colonies, differed among years, although growth was depressed after the hurricanes. Nevertheless, at Tektite, colony height trended upwards over time, in part because colonies 10.1–20 cm tall were reduced in abundance after the hurricanes. These trends were sustained without density-associated effects mediating recruitment or self-thinning of adults. The dynamics of G. ventalina over seven years reveals the high resilience of this species that will contribute to the persistence of octocorals as a dominant state on Caribbean reefs.more » « less
Abstract Honey bee parasites remain a critical challenge to management and conservation. Because managed honey bees are maintained in colonies kept in apiaries across landscapes, the study of honey bee parasites allows the investigation of spatial principles in parasite ecology and evolution. We used a controlled field experiment to study the relationship between population growth rate and virulence (colony survival) of the parasite Varroa destructor (Anderson and Trueman). We used a nested design of 10 patches (apiaries) of 14 colonies to examine the spatial scale at which Varroa population growth matters for colony survival. We tracked Varroa population size and colony survival across a full year and found that Varroa populations that grow faster in their host colonies during the spring and summer led to larger Varroa populations across the whole apiary (patch) and higher rates of neighboring colony loss. Crucially, this increased colony loss risk manifested at the patch scale, with mortality risk being related to spatial adjacency to colonies with fast-growing Varroa strains rather than with Varroa growth rate in the colony itself. Thus, within-colony population growth predicts whole-apiary virulence, demonstrating the need to consider multiple scales when investigating parasite growth-virulence relationships.
Abstract In sessile organisms such as plants and benthic invertebrates, founding propagules typically suffer extremely high rates of mortality due to both extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Many social insect species share similarities with these groups, but factors influencing early colony survival are relatively unstudied. We used a field experiment to measure the importance of environmental quality relative to intrinsic colony properties in the harvester ant,
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis , by monitoring the survival of 584 experimental colonies. We measured survival of transplanted colonies over four months in each of three years (2014–2016) at a site in western Colorado. Colony survival was primarily determined by colony features. Multiple mating by the queen and larger colony size at the time of transplant increased survival, but queen size, maternal lineage and the composition of plant species in the vicinity of the colony did not. Food supplementation increased survival significantly when natural food was scarce, but was not consistently beneficial, in contrast to predictions. Our results emphasize the general importance of rapid growth and early attainment of large size in the survival of sessile species. However, attributes specific to ants that are a consequence of their sociality also strongly affected survival. Colonies with multiply‐mated queens were more likely to survive over a wide range of circumstances, highlighting the importance of this trait even at the early stages of colony life. -
Abstract Sex‐related differences in vital rates that drive population change reflect the basic life history of a species. However, for visually monomorphic bird species, determining the effect of sex on demographics can be a challenge. In this study, we investigated the effect of sex on apparent survival, recruitment, and breeding propensity in the Adélie penguin (
Pygoscelis adeliae ), a monochromatic, slightly size dimorphic species with known age, known sex, and known breeding history data collected during 1996–2019 (n = 2127 birds) from three breeding colonies on Ross Island, Antarctica. Using a multistate capture–mark–recapture maximum‐likelihood model, we estimated apparent survival (), recapture (resighting) probability (), and the probability of transitioning among breeding states and moving between colonies (; colony‐specific non‐juvenile pre‐breeders, breeders, and non‐breeders). Survival rate varied by breeding status and colony, but not sex, and pre‐breeders had higher survival rates than breeders and non‐breeders. Females had a higher probability of recruiting into the breeding population each year and may enter the breeding pool at younger ages. In contrast, both sexes had the same probability of breeding from year to year once they had recruited. Although we detected no direct sex effects on survival, the variation in recruitment probability and age‐at‐first reproduction, along with lower survival rates of breeders compared to pre‐breeders, likely leads to shorter lifespans for females. This is supported by our findings of a male‐biased mean adult sex ratio (ASR) of 1.4 males for every female ( proportion of males = 0.57, SD = 0.07) across all colonies and years in this metapopulation. Our study illustrates how important it can be to disentangle sex‐related variation in population vital rates, particularly for species with complex life histories and demographic dynamics.