In cooperatively breeding species, subordinates forgo reproduction to assist breeders in raising offspring. When cooperative breeding is facultative, breeders from the same population may differ in whether they are assisted by non‐breeding helpers. Predation risk is a major source of nest failure and assistance during nest defense is often an overlooked, yet important, way helpers assist breeders. A breeder's aggressive response to a nest predator could have important implications for whether they form cooperatively breeding groups. We investigated the hypothesis that breeder aggression toward a nest predator is related to current and future helper recruitment. We tested the prediction that less aggressive breeders were more likely to form cooperative groups, which could occur if these breeders benefit from helper assistance during nest defense. We also considered the possibility that more aggressive breeders were more likely to form cooperative groups. We assessed the effects of partnerships and tested whether aggression exhibited by breeding partners was correlated. We conducted this work in the facultative, cooperatively breeding brown‐headed nuthatch (
Sex‐related differences in vital rates that drive population change reflect the basic life history of a species. However, for visually monomorphic bird species, determining the effect of sex on demographics can be a challenge. In this study, we investigated the effect of sex on apparent survival, recruitment, and breeding propensity in the Adélie penguin (
- 10531413
- Publisher / Repository:
- Ecology and Evolution
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Ecology and Evolution
- Volume:
- 14
- Issue:
- 2
- 2045-7758
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Sitta pusilla ). We measured breeder aggression in response to a taxidermy model of a nest predator to determine whether breeders’ aggression correlated with their current or future helper recruitment. We found no evidence of a sex difference in aggression among breeders and aggression scores of breeding partners were not significantly correlated. Aggression scores for both breeding males and breeding females were unrelated to whether they formed cooperative groups in the current year. We followed most of the breeding males, though not breeding females, across years and found that breeding males’ aggression scores were unrelated to helper recruitment the following year. Our results suggest that breeders’ responses to nest predators are not related to cooperative group formation in this species and that males and females showed comparable levels of aggression toward a nest predator. -
Abstract The evolution of mating systems reflects a balance of the often-conflicting interests of males and females. Polygyny, a mating system in which males have multiple mates, presents a fitness benefit to males, but the consequences for females are less clear. Females with polygynous social mates may suffer reduced fitness, especially secondary females who typically receive less male support. We used 32 yr of detailed reproductive data on a population of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) breeding on Kent Island, NB, Canada, to investigate the effects of females’ social mating status on 6 indices of female fitness: survival, clutch size, fledging success, number of fledglings produced per nest and annually, and recruitment of offspring. Secondary females produced fewer fledglings per nest and annually than did monogamous or primary females, and their young were less likely to recruit into the breeding population. Yearling secondary females also had lower survival rates than older secondary females. Combined with higher rates of partial brood loss among secondary females, our results suggest that secondary females are unable to provide enough care to consistently fledge all nestlings in their broods, likely due to reduced male provisioning. Given that the sex ratio of breeders in the population is female-biased, we suggest that polygyny persists despite its fitness costs because some females must mate polygynously to “make the best of a bad situation.” Our study demonstrates the value of detailed, long-term population monitoring data for understanding mating systems and using multiple indices of fitness to analyze the costs of polygyny.
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