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Title: Representation and conservation of angular momentum in the Born–Oppenheimer theory of polyatomic molecules
This paper concerns the representation of angular momentum operators in the Born–Oppenheimer theory of polyatomic molecules and the various forms of the associated conservation laws. Topics addressed include the question of whether these conservation laws are exactly equivalent or only to some order of the Born–Oppenheimer parameter κ = ( m/ M) 1/4 and what the correlation is between angular momentum quantum numbers in the various representations. These questions are addressed in both problems involving a single potential energy surface and those with multiple, strongly coupled surfaces and in both the electrostatic model and those for which fine structure and electron spin are important. The analysis leads to an examination of the transformation laws under rotations of the electronic Hamiltonian; of the basis states, both adiabatic and diabatic, along with their phase conventions; of the potential energy matrix; and of the derivative couplings. These transformation laws are placed in the geometrical context of the structures in the nuclear configuration space that are induced by rotations, which include the rotational orbits or fibers, the surfaces upon which the orientation of the molecule changes but not its shape, and the section, an initial value surface that cuts transversally through the fibers. Finally, it is suggested that the usual Born–Oppenheimer approximation can be replaced by a dressing transformation, that is, a sequence of unitary transformations that block-diagonalize the Hamiltonian. When the dressing transformation is carried out, we find that the angular momentum operator does not change. This is a part of a system of exact equivalences among various representations of angular momentum operators in Born–Oppenheimer theory. Our analysis accommodates large-amplitude motions and is not dependent on small-amplitude expansions about an equilibrium position. Our analysis applies to noncollinear configurations of a polyatomic molecule; this covers all but a subset of measure zero (the collinear configurations) in the nuclear configuration space.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Page Range / eLocation ID:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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