Groundwater return flow to streams is important for maintaining aquatic habitat and providing water to downstream users, particularly in irrigated watersheds experiencing water scarcity. However, in many agricultural regions, increased irrigation efficiency has reduced return flows and their subsequent in‐stream benefits. Agricultural managed aquifer recharge (Ag‐MAR)—where artificial recharge is conducted via irrigation canals and agricultural fields—may be a tool to recover these return flows, but implementation is challenged by water supply and water management. Using climate‐driven streamflow simulations, an integrated operations‐hydrology model, and a regional groundwater model, we investigated the potential for Ag‐MAR to recover return flows in the Henrys Fork Snake River, Idaho (USA). We simulated potential Ag‐MAR operations for water years 2023–2052, accounting for both future water supply conditions and local water management rules. We determined that Ag‐MAR operations reduced springtime peak flow at the watershed outlet by 10%–14% after accounting for return flows. Recharge contribution to streamflow peaked in July and November, increasing July–August streamflow by 6%–14% and November–March streamflow by 9%–14%. Furthermore, sites where Ag‐MAR was conducted incidental to flood irrigation had more water available for recharge, compared to sites requiring recharge rights, which are junior in priority to agricultural rights. Mean annual recharge volume for the incidental recharge sites averaged 12% of annual natural streamflow, ranged from 269 to 335 Mm3, and was largely available in April and October. We demonstrate Ag‐MAR can effectively recover groundwater return flows when applied as flood irrigation on agricultural land with senior‐priority water rights.
The Mississippi Embayment aquifer is one of the largest alluvial groundwater aquifers in the United States. It is being excessively used, located along the lower Mississippi River covering approximately 202,019 km2(78,000 square miles). Annual average groundwater depletion in the aquifer has been estimated at 5.18 billion cubic meters (Gm3) (4.2 million acre‐feet) in 1981–2000. However, since 2000, annual groundwater depletion has increased abruptly to 8 Gm3(2001–2008). In recent years, multi‐state efforts have been initiated to improve the Mississippi Embayment aquifer sustainability. One management strategy of interest for preserving groundwater resources is managed aquifer recharge (MAR). In this study, we evaluate the impact of different MAR scenarios on land and water use decisions and the overall groundwater system using an economic model able to assess profitability of crop and land use decisions coupled to the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS) hydrogeologic model. We run the coupled model for 60 years by considering the hydrologic conditions from the MERAS model for the years 2002–2007 and repeating them 10 times. We find MAR is not economically attractive when the water cost is greater than $0.05/m3. Groundwater storage is unlikely to improve when relying solely on MAR as groundwater management strategy but rather should be implemented jointly with other groundwater conservation policies.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 1716130
- 10422131
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
- Volume:
- 59
- Issue:
- 6
- 1093-474X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 1413-1434
- Size(s):
- p. 1413-1434
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract In water‐stressed regions of the world, the inundation of working landscapes to replenish aquifers—known as flood‐managed aquifer recharge (flood‐MAR)—has become a valuable tool for sustainable groundwater management. Due to their diverse land use histories, however, many potential recharge sites host nonpoint source contaminants (such as salts, pesticides, and fertilizers) within the vadose zone that may flush to groundwater during recharge operations. To identify the controls on contaminant migration, we perform stochastic simulations of flood‐MAR through a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer and apply transient particle tracking to evaluate conservative and reactive contaminant transport over 80 years of recharge operations. With semi‐annual recharge events, the water table begins to rise 0.13–1.84 years after the first inundation event while solutes take much longer (11 to 80 years) to transit the 45‐m thick unsaturated zone. We derive a parametric expression for the ratio of celerity (or rate of pressure transmission) to velocity of the flood‐MAR wetting front and show that this simplified expression agrees with values calculated from heterogeneous model simulations. Slow solute velocities (0.25–1.75 m year−1) allow for significant contaminant removal through denitrification, but the contaminant plume experiences minimal dispersion or dilution over this time, reaching the water table as a sharp front. Our results suggest that minimizing groundwater velocity and maximizing groundwater celerity during flood‐MAR should optimize increases in water supply while limiting water quality degradation.
null (Ed.)Frequent droughts, seasonal precipitation, and growing agricultural water demand in the Yakima River Basin (YRB), located in Washington State, increase the challenges of optimizing water provision for agricultural producers. Increasing water storage through managed aquifer recharge (MAR) can potentially relief water stress from single and multi-year droughts. In this study, we developed an aggregated water resources management tool using a System Dynamics (SD) framework for the YRB and evaluated the MAR implementation strategy and the effectiveness of MAR in alleviating drought impacts on irrigation reliability. The SD model allocates available water resources to meet instream target flows, hydropower demands, and irrigation demand, based on system operation rules, irrigation scheduling, water rights, and MAR adoption. Our findings suggest that the adopted infiltration area for MAR is one of the main factors that determines the amount of water withdrawn and infiltrated to the groundwater system. The implementation time frame is also critical in accumulating MAR entitlements for single-year and multi-year droughts mitigation. In addition, adoption behaviors drive a positive feedback that MAR effectiveness on drought mitigation will encourage more MAR adoptions in the long run. MAR serves as a promising option for water storage management and a long-term strategy for MAR implementation can improve system resilience to unexpected droughts.more » « less
Abstract Intensive groundwater withdrawals in California have resulted in depletion of streams and aquifers in some regions. Agricultural managed aquifer recharge (Ag‐MAR) initiatives have recently been piloted in California to mitigate the effects of unsustainable groundwater withdrawals. These initiatives rely on capturing wet‐year water and spreading it on large areas of irrigated agricultural lands to enhance recharge to aquifers. While recharge studies typically consider local effects on aquifer storage, few studies have investigated Ag‐MAR benefits and challenges at a regional scale. Here we used the Integrated Water Flow Model, to evaluate how Ag‐MAR projects can affect streamflows, diversions, pumping, and unsaturated zone flows in the southern Central Valley, California. We further tested the sensitivity of three different spatial patterns of Ag‐MAR, each chosen based on different thresholds of soil suitability, on the hydrologic system. This study investigates how the distribution of Ag‐MAR lands benefit the regional groundwater system and other water balance components. The results suggest that Ag‐MAR benefits vary as a function of the location of Ag‐MAR lands. Stream‐aquifer interactions play a crucial factor in determining the ability to increase groundwater storage in overdrafted basins. The results also indicate that Ag‐MAR projects conducted during the November–April recharge season have implications for water rights outside of the Ag‐MAR season. If not properly monitored, Ag‐MAR can cause a rise of groundwater table into the root zone, negatively impacting sensitive crops. Our work also highlights the benefits of using an integrated hydrologic and management model to evaluate Ag‐MAR at a regional scale.
Abstract We provide a dataset of irrigation water withdrawals by crop, county, year, and water source within the United States. We employ a framework we previously developed to establish a companion dataset to our original estimates. The main difference is that we now use the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) variable ‘irrigation — total’ to partition PCR-GLOBWB 2 hydrology model estimates, instead of ‘irrigation — crop’ as used in previous estimates. Our findings for Surface Water Withdrawals (SWW), total Groundwater Withdrawals (GWW), and nonrenewable Groundwater Depletion (GWD) are similar to those of prior estimates but now have better spatial coverage, since several states are missing from the USGS ‘irrigation — crop’ variable that was originally used. Irrigation water use increases in this study, since more states are included and ‘irrigation — total’ includes more categories of irrigation than ‘irrigation — crop’. Notably, irrigation in the Mississippi Embayment Aquifer is now captured for rice and soy. We provide nearly 2.5 million data points with this paper (3,142 counties; 13 years; 3 water sources; and 20 crops).