The Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions (WHPI) is an international initiative to study the most recent solar minimum and its impact on the interconnected solar‐heliospheric‐planetary system by facilitating and encouraging interdisciplinary activities. Particular WHPI science foci include the global connected structure of the heliosphere and planetary space environments/atmospheres, the origins and impacts of high‐speed solar wind streams, coronal mass ejections from Sun‐to‐Heliopause, and comparative solar minima. This is achieved through a series of coordinated observing campaigns, including Parker Solar Probe perihelia, and scientific virtual interactions including a dedicated workshop where observers and modelers gathered to discuss, compare, and combine research results. This introduction sets the scene for the WHPI interval, placing it into the context of prior initiatives and describing the overall evolution of the system between 2018 and 2020. Along with the accompanying articles, it presents a selection of key scientific results on the interconnected solar‐heliospheric‐planetary system at solar minimum.
The Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions initiative was established to leverage relatively quiet intervals during solar minimum to better understand the interconnectedness of the various domains in the heliosphere. This study provides an expansive mosaic of observations spanning from the Sun, through interplanetary space, to the magnetospheric response and subsequent effects on the ionosphere‐thermosphere‐mesosphere (ITM) system. To accomplish this, a diverse set of observational datasets are utilized from 2019 July 26 to October 16 (i.e., over three Carrington rotations, CR2220, CR2221, and CR2222) with connections of these observations to the more focused studies submitted to this special issue. Particularly, this study focuses on two long‐lived coronal holes and their varying impact in sculpting the heliosphere and driving of the magnetospheric system. As a result, the evolution of coronal holes, impacts on the inner heliosphere solar wind, glimpses at mesoscale solar wind variability, magnetospheric response to these evolving solar wind drivers, and resulting ITM phenomena are captured to reveal the interconnectedness of this system‐of‐systems.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2002574
- 10423579
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
- Volume:
- 128
- Issue:
- 6
- 2169-9380
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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