Phonon polaritons provide useful opportunities, complementary to those provided by plasmon polaritons, in the study of the interaction of light with matter at small scales. The focus of this review is on phonon polaritons in low‐dimensional van der Waals (vdW) materials and heterostructures. Phonon polaritons confined in vdW materials exhibit large electromagnetic localization and are easy to hybridize with other collective modes. The extreme optical anisotropy in vdW systems produces the natural hyperbolic dispersion, enabling the access to deep subdiffractional optics and often yielding improved figures of merit over hyperbolic metamaterials. These virtues hold promises for practical nanophotonic applications, including optical sensing, super‐resolution imaging, energy and emission engineering, quantum optics, and a next generation of optical circuit elements.
Element isotopes are characterized by distinct atomic masses and nuclear spins, which can significantly influence material properties. Notably, however, isotopes in natural materials are homogenously distributed in space. Here, we propose a method to configure material properties by repositioning isotopes in engineered van der Waals (vdW) isotopic heterostructures. We showcase the properties of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) isotopic heterostructures in engineering confined photon-lattice waves—hyperbolic phonon polaritons. By varying the composition, stacking order, and thicknesses of h10BN and h11BN building blocks, hyperbolic phonon polaritons can be engineered into a variety of energy-momentum dispersions. These confined and tailored polaritons are promising for various nanophotonic and thermal functionalities. Due to the universality and importance of isotopes, our vdW isotope heterostructuring method can be applied to engineer the properties of a broad range of materials.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10439937
- Publisher / Repository:
- Nature Publishing Group
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Nature Communications
- Volume:
- 14
- Issue:
- 1
- 2041-1723
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract Phonon‐polaritons, mixed excitations of light coupled to lattice vibrations (phonons), are emerging as a powerful platform for nanophotonic applications. This is because of their ability to concentrate light into extreme sub‐wavelength scales and because of their longer phonon lifetimes compared to their plasmonic counterparts. In this work, the infrared properties of phonon‐polaritonic nanoresonators made of monoisotopic10B hexagonal boron nitride (h‐BN) are explored, a material with increased phonon‐polariton lifetimes compared to naturally abundant h‐BN due to reduced photon scattering from randomly distributed isotopes. An average relative improvement of 50% of the quality factor of monoisotopic h‐BN nanoresonators is obtained with respect to nanoresonators made of naturally abundant h‐BN, allowing for the sensing of nanometric‐thick films of molecules through both surface‐enhanced absorption spectroscopy and refractive index sensing. Further, even strong coupling between molecular vibrations and the phonon‐polariton resonance in monoisotopic h‐BN ribbons can be achieved.
Abstract Van der Waals (vdW) materials host a variety of polaritons, which make them an emerging material platform for manipulating light at the nanoscale. Due to the layered structure of vdW materials, the polaritons can exhibit a hyperbolic dispersion and propagate as nanoscale‐confined volume modes in thin flakes. On the other hand, surface‐confined modes can be found at the flake edges. Surprisingly, the guiding of these modes in ribbons—representing typical linear waveguide structures—is widely unexplored. Here, a detailed study of hyperbolic phonon polaritons propagating in hexagonal boron nitride ribbons is reported. Employing infrared nanoimaging, a variety of modes are observed. Particularly, the fundamental volume waveguide mode that exhibits a cutoff width is identified, which, interestingly, can be lowered by reducing the waveguide thickness. Further, hybridization of the surface modes and their evolution with varying frequency and waveguide width are observed. Most importantly, it is demonstrated that the symmetrically hybridized surface mode does not exhibit a cutoff width, and thus enables linear waveguiding of the polaritons in arbitrarily narrow ribbons. The experimental data, supported by simulations, establish a solid basis for the understanding of hyperbolic polaritons in linear waveguides, which is of critical importance for their application in future photonic devices.
Abstract Polaritons in hyperbolic van der Waals materials—where principal axes have permittivities of opposite signs—are light-matter modes with unique properties and promising applications. Isofrequency contours of hyperbolic polaritons may undergo topological transitions from open hyperbolas to closed ellipse-like curves, prompting an abrupt change in physical properties. Electronically-tunable topological transitions are especially desirable for future integrated technologies but have yet to be demonstrated. In this work, we present a doping-induced topological transition effected by plasmon-phonon hybridization in graphene/α-MoO3heterostructures. Scanning near-field optical microscopy was used to image hybrid polaritons in graphene/α-MoO3. We demonstrate the topological transition and characterize hybrid modes, which can be tuned from surface waves to bulk waveguide modes, traversing an exceptional point arising from the anisotropic plasmon-phonon coupling. Graphene/α-MoO3heterostructures offer the possibility to explore dynamical topological transitions and directional coupling that could inspire new nanophotonic and quantum devices.
Phonons are important lattice vibrations that affect the thermal, electronic, and optical properties of materials. In this work, we studied infrared phonon resonance in a prototype van der Waals (vdW) material—hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)—with the thickness ranging from monolayers to bulk, especially on ultra-thin crystals with atomic layers smaller than 20. Our combined experimental and modeling results show a systematic increase in the intensity of in-plane phonon resonance at the increasing number of layers in hBN, with a sensitivity down to one atomic layer. While the thickness-dependence of the phonon resonance reveals the antenna nature of our nanoscope, the linear thickness-scaling of the phonon polariton wavelength indicates the preservation of electromagnetic hyperbolicity in ultra-thin hBN layers. Our conclusions should be generic for fundamental resonances in vdW materials and heterostructures where the number of constituent layers can be conveniently controlled. The thickness-dependent phonon resonance and phonon polaritons revealed in our work also suggest vdW engineering opportunities for desired thermal and nanophotonic functionalities.more » « less