We present continued analysis of a sample of low-redshift iron low-ionization broad-absorption-line quasars (FeLoBALQs). Choi et al. presented
Broad absorption line quasars are actively accreting supermassive black holes that have strong outflows characterized by broad absorption lines in their rest-UV spectra. Variability in these absorption lines occurs over months to years depending on the source. WPVS 007, a low-redshift, low-luminosity narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) shows strong variability over shorter timescales, providing a unique opportunity to study the driving mechanism behind this variability that may mimic longer-scale variability in much more massive quasars. We present the first variability study using the spectral synthesis code
- Award ID(s):
- 2007023
- 10442536
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 953
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 186
- Size(s):
- Article No. 186
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract We present the first systematic study of 50 low-redshift (0.66 <
z < 1.63) iron low-ionization broad absorption-line quasars (FeLoBALQs) usingSimBAL , which represents a more than five-fold increase in the number of FeLoBALQs with detailed absorption line spectral analyses. We found the outflows have a wide range of ionization parameters, and densities, . The objects in our sample showed FeLoBAL gas located at a wide range of distances [pc], although we do not find any evidence for disk winds (withR ≪ 0.01 pc) in our sample. The outflow strength primarily depends on the outflow velocity with faster outflows found in quasars that are luminous or that have flat or redder spectral energy distributions. We found that ∼18% of the FeLoBALQs in the sample have the significantly powerful outflows needed for quasar feedback. Eight objects showedoverlapping troughs in the spectra, and we identified elevenloitering outflow objects, a new class of FeLoBALQs that are characterized by low outflow velocities and high column density winds located [pc] from the central engine. The FeLoBALs in loitering outflows objects do not show properties expected for radiatively driven winds, and these objects may represent a distinct population among FeLoBALQs. We discuss how the potential acceleration mechanisms and the origins of the FeLoBAL winds may differ for outflows at different locations in quasars. -
Abstract We present the optical–near-infrared spectral energy distributions (SED) and near-infrared variability properties of 30 low-redshift iron low-ionization Broad Absorption Line quasars (FeLoBALQs) and matched samples of LoBALQs and unabsorbed quasars. Significant correlations between the SED properties and accretion rate indicators found among the unabsorbed comparison sample objects suggest an intrinsic origin for SED differences. A range of reddening likely mutes these correlations among the FeLoBAL quasars. The rest-frame optical-band reddening is correlated with the location of the outflow, suggesting a link between the outflows and the presence of dust. We analyzed the WISE variability and provide a correction for photometry uncertainties in an appendix. We found an anticorrelation between the variability amplitude and inferred continuum emission region size, and we suggest that as the origin of the anticorrelation between variability amplitude and luminosity typically observed in quasars. We found that the LoBALQ Optical Emission-line and other parameters are more similar to those of the unabsorbed continuum sample objects than the FeLoBALQs. Thus, FeLoBAL quasars are a special population of objects. We interpret the results using an accretion-rate scenario for FeLoBAL quasars. The high-accretion-rate FeLoBAL quasars are radiating powerfully enough to drive a thick, high-velocity outflow. Quasars with intermediate accretion rates may have an outflow, but it is not sufficiently thick to include Fe
ii absorption. Low-accretion-rate FeLoBAL outflows originate in absorption in a failing torus, no longer optically thick enough to reprocess radiation into the near-IR. -
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