- 10443098
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
- 1070-5325
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- e2528
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The matrix completion problem seeks to recover a $d\times d$ ground truth matrix of low rank $r\ll d$ from observations of its individual elements. Real-world matrix completion is often a huge-scale optimization problem, with $d$ so large that even the simplest full-dimension vector operations with $O(d)$ time complexity become prohibitively expensive. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is one of the few algorithms capable of solving matrix completion on a huge scale, and can also naturally handle streaming data over an evolving ground truth. Unfortunately, SGD experiences a dramatic slow-down when the underlying ground truth is ill-conditioned; it requires at least $O(\kappa\log(1/\epsilon))$ iterations to get $\epsilon$-close to ground truth matrix with condition number $\kappa$. In this paper, we propose a preconditioned version of SGD that preserves all the favorable practical qualities of SGD for huge-scale online optimization while also making it agnostic to $\kappa$. For a symmetric ground truth and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) loss, we prove that the preconditioned SGD converges to $\epsilon$-accuracy in $O(\log(1/\epsilon))$ iterations, with a rapid linear convergence rate as if the ground truth were perfectly conditioned with $\kappa=1$. In our numerical experiments, we observe a similar acceleration for ill-conditioned matrix completion under the 1-bit cross-entropy loss, as well as pairwise losses such as the Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) loss.more » « less
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Many areas of machine learning and science involve large linear algebra problems, such as eigendecompositions, solving linear systems, computing matrix exponentials, and trace estimation. The matrices involved often have Kronecker, convolutional, block diagonal, sum, or product structure. In this paper, we propose a simple but general framework for large-scale linear algebra problems in machine learning, named CoLA (Compositional Linear Algebra). By combining a linear operator abstraction with compositional dispatch rules, CoLA automatically constructs memory and runtime efficient numerical algorithms. Moreover, CoLA provides memory efficient automatic differentiation, low precision computation, and GPU acceleration in both JAX and PyTorch, while also accommodating new objects, operations, and rules in downstream packages via multiple dispatch. CoLA can accelerate many algebraic operations, while making it easy to prototype matrix structures and algorithms, providing an appealing drop-in tool for virtually any computational effort that requires linear algebra. We showcase its efficacy across a broad range of applications, including partial differential equations, Gaussian processes, equivariant model construction, and unsupervised learning.more » « less
Abstract Low-rank matrix models have been universally useful for numerous applications, from classical system identification to more modern matrix completion in signal processing and statistics. The nuclear norm has been employed as a convex surrogate of the low-rankness since it induces a low-rank solution to inverse problems. While the nuclear norm for low rankness has an excellent analogy with the $\ell _1$ norm for sparsity through the singular value decomposition, other matrix norms also induce low-rankness. Particularly as one interprets a matrix as a linear operator between Banach spaces, various tensor product norms generalize the role of the nuclear norm. We provide a tensor-norm-constrained estimator for the recovery of approximately low-rank matrices from local measurements corrupted with noise. A tensor-norm regularizer is designed to adapt to the local structure. We derive statistical analysis of the estimator over matrix completion and decentralized sketching by applying Maurey’s empirical method to tensor products of Banach spaces. The estimator provides a near-optimal error bound in a minimax sense and admits a polynomial-time algorithm for these applications.
Low-rank approximation is a classic tool in data analysis, where the goal is to approximate a matrix A with a low-rank matrix L so as to minimize the error ||A-L||_F. However in many applications, approximating some entries is more important than others, which leads to the weighted low rank approximation problem. However, the addition of weights makes the low-rank approximation problem intractable. Thus many works have obtained efficient algorithms under additional structural assumptions on the weight matrix (such as low rank, and appropriate block structure). We study a natural greedy algorithm for weighted low rank approximation and develop a simple condition under which it yields bi-criteria approximation up to a small additive factor in the error. The algorithm involves iteratively computing the top singular vector of an appropriately varying matrix, and is thus easy to implement at scale. Our methods also allow us to study the problem of low rank approximation under L_p norm error.more » « less