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Title: Bidirectional River‐Floodplain Connectivity During Combined Pluvial‐Fluvial Events

Hydrologic connectivity controls the lateral exchange of water, solids, and solutes between rivers and floodplains, and is critical to ecosystem function, water treatment, flood attenuation, and geomorphic processes. This connectivity has been well‐studied, typically through the lens of fluvial flooding. In regions prone to heavy rainfall, the timing and magnitude of lateral exchange may be altered by pluvial flooding on the floodplain. We collected measurements of flow depth and velocity in the Trinity River floodplain in coastal Texas (USA) during Tropical Storm Imelda (2019), which produced up to 75 cm of rainfall locally. We developed a two‐dimensional hydrodynamic model at high resolution for a section of the Trinity River floodplain inspired by the compound flooding of Imelda. We then employed Lagrangian particle routing to quantify how residence times and particle velocities changed as flooding shifted from rainfall‐driven to river‐driven. Results show that heavy rainfall initiated lateral exchange before river discharge reached flood levels. The presence of rainwater also reduced floodplain storage, causing river water to be confined to a narrow corridor on the floodplain, while rainwater residence times were increased from the effect of high river flow. Finally, we analyzed the role of floodplain channels in facilitating surface‐water connectivity by varying model resolution in the floodplain. While the resolution of floodplain channels was important locally, it did not affect as much the overall floodplain behavior. This study demonstrates the complexity of floodplain hydrodynamics under conditions of heavy rainfall, with implications for sediment deposition and nutrient removal during floods.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Water Resources Research
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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