Snowpack melting is a crucial water resource for local ecosystems, agriculture, and hydropower in the Intermountain West of the United States. Glaciogenic seeding, a method widely used in mountain regions to enhance precipitation, has been subject to numerous field studies aiming to understand and validate this mechanism. However, investigating precipitation distribution and amounts in mountainous areas is complicated due to the intricate interplay of synoptic circulation patterns and local complex topography. These interactions significantly influence microphysical processes, ultimately affecting the amount and distribution of surface precipitation. To address these challenges, this study leverages Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model simulations, providing high-resolution (900 m), hourly data, spanning the Payette region of Idaho from January to March 2017. We applied the self-organizing map approach to categorize the most representative synoptic circulation patterns and conducted a multiscale analysis to explore their associated environmental conditions and microphysical processes, aiming to assess the cloud seeding potential. The analysis identified four primary synoptic patterns: cold zonal flow (CZF), cold southwesterly flow (CSWF), warm zonal flow (WZF), and warm southwesterly flow (WSWF), constituting 21.3%, 23.1%, 30.0%, and 25.5%, respectively. CSWF and WSWF demonstrated efficiency in generating natural precipitation. These patterns were characterized by abundant supercooled liquid water (SLW) and ice particles, facilitating cloud droplet growth through seeder–feeder processes. On the other hand, CZF exhibited the least SLW and limited potential for cloud seeding, while WZF displayed a lower ice water content but substantial SLW in the diffusion/dendritic growth layer, suggesting a favorable scenario for cloud seeding.
Understanding snowfall amounts and distribution in the mountains and how it is linked to topography, synoptic flow, and microphysical processes will help in the development of effective strategies for cloud seeding operations, managing runoff, reservoir, and mitigating flood risks, garnering substantial interest from stakeholders and the government agencies.