- 10464372
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Agronomy
- Volume:
- 13
- Issue:
- 5
- 2073-4395
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1294
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Campbell, Barbara J. (Ed.)ABSTRACT In nutrient-limited conditions, plants rely on rhizosphere microbial members to facilitate nutrient acquisition, and in return, plants provide carbon resources to these root-associated microorganisms. However, atmospheric nutrient deposition can affect plant-microbe relationships by changing soil bacterial composition and by reducing cooperation between microbial taxa and plants. To examine how long-term nutrient addition shapes rhizosphere community composition, we compared traits associated with bacterial (fast-growing copiotrophs, slow-growing oligotrophs) and plant (C 3 forb, C 4 grass) communities residing in a nutrient-poor wetland ecosystem. Results revealed that oligotrophic taxa dominated soil bacterial communities and that fertilization increased the presence of oligotrophs in bulk and rhizosphere communities. Additionally, bacterial species diversity was greatest in fertilized soils, particularly in bulk soils. Nutrient enrichment (fertilized versus unfertilized) and plant association (bulk versus rhizosphere) determined bacterial community composition; bacterial community structure associated with plant functional group (grass versus forb) was similar within treatments but differed between fertilization treatments. The core forb microbiome consisted of 602 unique taxa, and the core grass microbiome consisted of 372 unique taxa. Forb rhizospheres were enriched in potentially disease-suppressive bacterial taxa, and grass rhizospheres were enriched in bacterial taxa associated with complex carbon decomposition. Results from this study demonstrate that fertilization serves as a strong environmental filter on the soil microbiome, which leads to distinct rhizosphere communities and can shift plant effects on the rhizosphere microbiome. These taxonomic shifts within plant rhizospheres could have implications for plant health and ecosystem functions associated with carbon and nitrogen cycling. IMPORTANCE Over the last century, humans have substantially altered nitrogen and phosphorus cycling. Use of synthetic fertilizer and burning of fossil fuels and biomass have increased nitrogen and phosphorus deposition, which results in unintended fertilization of historically low-nutrient ecosystems. With increased nutrient availability, plant biodiversity is expected to decline, and the abundance of copiotrophic taxa is anticipated to increase in bacterial communities. Here, we address how bacterial communities associated with different plant functional types (forb, grass) shift due to long-term nutrient enrichment. Unlike other studies, results revealed an increase in bacterial diversity, particularly of oligotrophic bacteria in fertilized plots. We observed that nutrient addition strongly determines forb and grass rhizosphere composition, which could indicate different metabolic preferences in the bacterial communities. This study highlights how long-term fertilization of oligotroph-dominated wetlands could alter diversity and metabolism of rhizosphere bacterial communities in unexpected ways.more » « less
Abstract While the effect of nitrogen (N) deposition on belowground carbon (C) cycling varies, emerging evidence shows that forest soils dominated by trees that associate with ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) store more C than soils dominated by trees that associate with arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) with increasing N deposition. We hypothesized that this is due to unique nutrient cycling responses to N between AM and ECM‐dominated soils. ECM trees primarily obtain N through fungal mining of soil organic matter subsidized by root‐C. As such, we expected the largest N‐induced responses of C and N cycling to occur in ECM rhizospheres and be driven by fungi. Conversely, as AM trees rely on bacterial scavengers in bulk soils to cycle N, we predicted the largest AM responses to be driven by shifts in bacteria and occur in bulk soils. To test this hypothesis, we measured microbial community composition, metatranscriptome profiles, and extracellular enzyme activity in bulk, rhizosphere, and organic horizon (OH) soils in AM and ECM‐dominated soils at Bear Brook Watershed in Maine, USA. After 27 years of N fertilization, fungal community composition shifted across ECM soils, but bacterial communities shifted across AM soils. These shifts were mirrored by enhanced C relative to N mining enzyme activities in both mycorrhizal types, but this occurred in different soil fractions. In ECM stands these shifts occurred in rhizosphere soils, but in AM stands they occurred in bulk soils. Additionally, ECM OH soils exhibited the opposite response with declines in C relative to N mining. As rhizosphere soils account for only a small portion of total soil volume relative to bulk soils, coupled with declines in C to N enzyme activity in ECM OH soils, we posit that this may partly explain why ECM soils store more C than AM soils as N inputs increase.
Abstract Background Salt marshes are dominated by the smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora on the US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines. Although soil microorganisms are well known to mediate important biogeochemical cycles in salt marshes, little is known about the role of root microbiomes in supporting the health and productivity of marsh plant hosts. Leveraging in situ gradients in aboveground plant biomass as a natural laboratory, we investigated the relationships between S. alterniflora primary productivity, sediment redox potential, and the physiological ecology of bulk sediment, rhizosphere, and root microbial communities at two Georgia barrier islands over two growing seasons. Results A marked decrease in prokaryotic alpha diversity with high abundance and increased phylogenetic dispersion was found in the S. alterniflora root microbiome. Significantly higher rates of enzymatic organic matter decomposition, as well as the relative abundances of putative sulfur (S)-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing, and nitrifying prokaryotes correlated with plant productivity. Moreover, these functional guilds were overrepresented in the S. alterniflora rhizosphere and root core microbiomes. Core microbiome bacteria from the Candidatus Thiodiazotropha genus, with the metabolic potential to couple S oxidation with C and N fixation, were shown to be highly abundant in the root and rhizosphere of S. alterniflora . Conclusions The S. alterniflora root microbiome is dominated by highly active and competitive species taking advantage of available carbon substrates in the oxidized root zone. Two microbially mediated mechanisms are proposed to stimulate S. alterniflora primary productivity: (i) enhanced microbial activity replenishes nutrients and terminal electron acceptors in higher biomass stands, and (ii) coupling of chemolithotrophic S oxidation with carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fixation by root- and rhizosphere-associated prokaryotes detoxifies sulfide in the root zone while potentially transferring fixed C and N to the host plant.more » « less
Solanum tuberosum, commonly known as potato, is the most important non-cereal crop in the world. However, its cultivation is prone to disease and other issues. In recent years, a newfound interest in the soil microbiome and the potential benefits it may convey has led researchers to study plant–microbe interactions in great detail and has led to the identification of putative beneficial microbial taxa. In this survey, we examined fungal and bacterial diversity using high-throughput sequencing in soils under a potato crop in southeastern Wyoming, USA. Our results show decreased microbial diversity in the rhizosphere, with increases in the abundances of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as well as pathogenic microbes. We show coarse taxonomic differences in microbial assemblages when comparing the bulk and rhizosphere soils for bacteria but not for fungi, suggesting that the two kingdoms respond differently to the selective pressures of the rhizosphere. Using cooccurrence network analysis, we identify microbes that may serve as keystone taxa and provide benefits to their host plants through competitive exclusion of detrimental pathogenic taxa and increased nutrient availability. Our results provide additional information on the structure and complexity of the potato rhizosphere microbiome and highlight candidate taxa for microbial isolation and inoculation.more » « less
Abstract Background Advances in microbiome science are being driven in large part due to our ability to study and infer microbial ecology from genomes reconstructed from mixed microbial communities using metagenomics and single-cell genomics. Such omics-based techniques allow us to read genomic blueprints of microorganisms, decipher their functional capacities and activities, and reconstruct their roles in biogeochemical processes. Currently available tools for analyses of genomic data can annotate and depict metabolic functions to some extent; however, no standardized approaches are currently available for the comprehensive characterization of metabolic predictions, metabolite exchanges, microbial interactions, and microbial contributions to biogeochemical cycling.
Results We present METABOLIC (METabolic And BiogeOchemistry anaLyses In miCrobes), a scalable software to advance microbial ecology and biogeochemistry studies using genomes at the resolution of individual organisms and/or microbial communities. The genome-scale workflow includes annotation of microbial genomes, motif validation of biochemically validated conserved protein residues, metabolic pathway analyses, and calculation of contributions to individual biogeochemical transformations and cycles. The community-scale workflow supplements genome-scale analyses with determination of genome abundance in the microbiome, potential microbial metabolic handoffs and metabolite exchange, reconstruction of functional networks, and determination of microbial contributions to biogeochemical cycles. METABOLIC can take input genomes from isolates, metagenome-assembled genomes, or single-cell genomes. Results are presented in the form of tables for metabolism and a variety of visualizations including biogeochemical cycling potential, representation of sequential metabolic transformations, community-scale microbial functional networks using a newly defined metric “MW-score” (metabolic weight score), and metabolic Sankey diagrams. METABOLIC takes ~ 3 h with 40 CPU threads to process ~ 100 genomes and corresponding metagenomic reads within which the most compute-demanding part of hmmsearch takes ~ 45 min, while it takes ~ 5 h to complete hmmsearch for ~ 3600 genomes. Tests of accuracy, robustness, and consistency suggest METABOLIC provides better performance compared to other software and online servers. To highlight the utility and versatility of METABOLIC, we demonstrate its capabilities on diverse metagenomic datasets from the marine subsurface, terrestrial subsurface, meadow soil, deep sea, freshwater lakes, wastewater, and the human gut.
Conclusion METABOLIC enables the consistent and reproducible study of microbial community ecology and biogeochemistry using a foundation of genome-informed microbial metabolism, and will advance the integration of uncultivated organisms into metabolic and biogeochemical models. METABOLIC is written in Perl and R and is freely available under GPLv3 at
https://github.com/AnantharamanLab/METABOLIC .