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Title: Differences in kinematics and resulting lumbar spinal forces during repetitive lifting tasks: Simulation versus estimation of the effects of wearing a back-support exoskeleton

We explored the feasibility of using biomechanical simulations to predict altered spinal forces resulting from wearing a back-support exoskeleton (BSE) during repetitive lifting tasks. Twenty (10M, 10F) young, healthy participants completed repetitive lifting task, while wearing a BSE (‘with EXO’) and without wearing a BSE (‘without EXO’). Spinal forces were estimated by applying the BSE torque profile to body kinematics measured in ‘with EXO’ condition, while spinal forces were simulated by applying the same torque profile to body kinematics measured in ‘without EXO’ condition. Simulated compression force was higher than estimated compression force, probably due to lower trunk flexion angle in ‘without EXO’ condition. Such differences were larger among women than among men. However, simulated shear force was comparable with estimated shear force. Future works further need to compare simulated and estimated spinal forces for different BSEs (e.g., soft BSE), asymmetric lifting tasks, and different age group.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
SAGE Publications
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
Medium: X Size: p. 842-844
p. 842-844
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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