This dataset contains long-term precipitation measurements from graduated rain gauges (GRGs) at 21 sites in the Jornada Basin of southern New Mexico, USA. Gauges are located on the Jornada Experimental Range (JER) and the Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center (CDRRC), and this set of gauges includes all 15 net primary production (NPP) study sites monitored by the Jornada Basin LTER program. At each site a 4 inch diameter cylindrical graduated rain gauge (11" x 0.01" capacity) is mounted on a 4x4 inch diameter redwood post or a wooden exclosure post next to gate at or near each site. For NPP sites, the primary collection is made on the day that monthly hydroprobe soil water content measurements are made. This enables correlation of precipitation with belowground soil water content. Additional data collections during the month may be made in coordination with other studies. Observations at each site come primarily from GRGs. However, at some sites in the NPP study, GRGs were not installed until later, and the nearest available rain gauge in the area has been used to gapfill the precipitation record prior to installation (details in methods section). Rain gauge identity and field measurement date is recorded with each observation in the data file. Other gauge types that may be listed are the Standard Can Gauge (DSRG or dipstick rain gauge), Belfort Weigh Bucket Rain Gauge (WBRG), and Qualimetrics Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (TBRG). Data collection is ongoing for all 21 gauges in this dataset.
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Graduated rain gauge (GRG) precipitation observations from 21 sites at the Jornada Basin LTER site, 1989-ongoing
This dataset contains long-term precipitation measurements from
graduated rain gauges (GRGs) at 21 sites in the Jornada Basin of
southern New Mexico, USA. Gauges are located on the Jornada
Experimental Range (JER) and the Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland
Research Center (CDRRC), and this set of gauges includes all 15 net
primary production (NPP) study sites monitored by the Jornada Basin
LTER program. At each site a 4 inch diameter cylindrical graduated
rain gauge (11" x 0.01" capacity) is mounted on a 4x4 inch
diameter redwood post or a wooden exclosure post next to gate at or
near each site. For NPP sites, the primary collection is made on the
day that monthly hydroprobe soil water content measurements are
made. This enables correlation of precipitation with belowground
soil water content. Additional data collections during the month may
be made in coordination with other studies. Observations at each
site come primarily from GRGs. However, at some sites in the NPP
study, GRGs were not installed until later, and the nearest
available rain gauge in the area has been used to gapfill the
precipitation record prior to installation (details in methods
section). Rain gauge identity and field measurement date is recorded
with each observation in the data file. Other gauge types that may
be listed are the Standard Can Gauge (DSRG or dipstick rain gauge),
Belfort Weigh Bucket Rain Gauge (WBRG), and Qualimetrics Tipping
Bucket Rain Gauge (TBRG). Data collection is ongoing for all 21
gauges in this dataset.
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- Award ID(s):
- 2025166
- 10476969
- Publisher / Repository:
- Environmental Data Initiative
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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1-second summary precipitation data at NPP T-WEST met station. Total precipitation per second is recorded only if there is measurable precipitation. This is recorded at an automated meteorological station installed at Jornada LTER NPP T-WEST site.. This climate station is operated by the Jornada LTER Program. IMPORTANT: Rainfall is only recorded when a bucket tip occurs on the tipping bucket rain gauge. If there is missing data due to equipment or other problems, there will be no indication of this within this dataset. The user needs to review precipitation values in the 30 minute or hourly summary datasets to determine if there are missing data in this 1 second detailed precipitation dataset. Reference the package i.d.'s knb-lter-jrn.210437030, knb-lter-jrn.210437045, and knb-lter-jrn.210437060 for the NPP T-WEST met station 30 minute, hourly, and daily summary datasets, respectively. This is an ONGOING dataset.more » « less