Understanding the stress distribution within fiber‐reinforced polymers (FRPs) is critical to extending their operational lifespan. The integration of mechanoresponsive molecular force probes, referred to as mechanophores, presents a potential solution by enabling direct monitoring of stress concentrations. In this study, spiropyran (SP) mechanophores (MPs) are embedded within a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix to visualize stress localization during loading within a single fiber‐reinforced framework. The SP mechanophore undergoes a transition from a non‐fluorescent state to an active state (merocyanine) through isomerization in response to mechanical forces. Using a single fiber mounted axially within the matrix, the fundamental failure modes observed in conventional fiber‐reinforced composites are replicated. Samples are strained under uniaxial tensile loading along the fiber direction and the localization of stresses is observed via MP activation. Stresses are concentrated in the matrix near the fiber region that gradually decreases away from the fiber surface. Confocal microscopy is used to visualize mechanophore activation and quantitatively assess fluorescence intensity. Finite element modeling is used to develop a calibration to quantify the stresses based on the observed fluorescence intensity. These outcomes underscore the viability of employing these mechanoresponsive molecules as a potential means to visualize real‐time stress distribution, thereby facilitating the design of high‐performance composites.
Stress concentrations in polymer matrix composites occur due to non-uniform loadings which develop near the interface between the matrix and reinforcement in a stressed composite. Methods to better understand the evolution of this stress concentration are required for the development of advanced composites. Mechanophores, which are stress responsive molecules, can be embedded into the polymer matrix and used to quantify the local stresses in a loaded composite. In this work, single particle model composites were fabricated by combining functionalized glass particles embedded into a silicone/mechanophore matrix. Confocal microscopy was then used to measure the mechanophore activation
- Award ID(s):
- 2045908
- 10483315
- Editor(s):
- Chan, Edwin P.
- Publisher / Repository:
- Frontiers
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Frontiers in Soft Matter
- Volume:
- 3
- 2813-0499
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1125163
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- mechanophore silicone composite stress distribution mechanics
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Spearing, M ; Tsai, SW ; Karbhari, VM (Ed.)Triboluminescence (TL) is a phenomenon of light emission induced by impact, stress, fracture, or an applied mechanical force. This phenomenon can be used to detect, evaluate, and predict mechanical failures in composites. In this report, we utilized manganese-doped zinc-sulphide (ZnS: Mn) and Polystyrene (PS) composite to fabricate a TL functional part via additive manufacturing. The morphology of the particles inside the polymer matrix were studied using scanning electron microscopy and micro CT scan. Thermoanalytical techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were carried out to evaluate the thermal transitions and degradation of the composites. The mechanoluminescence performance of the printed samples is evaluated by three-point flexural test and observed to depend on processing conditions that can be utilized to achieve a strong light signal at different mechanical loads. The polymer composite fabrication and processing reduced particle size, enhanced particle dispersion, and altered the mechanical properties of the polymer to help increase the mechanoluminescence response up to 10 times in the 3D printed parts. The unique mechanoluminescence properties of 3D printed luminescent composite have great potential for structural monitoring applications.more » « less
Abstract In this study, we discuss the characterization and quantification of composite microstructures formed by the external field manipulation of high aspect ratio magnetic particles in an elastomeric matrix. In our prior work, we have demonstrated that the simultaneous application of electric and magnetic fields on hard magnetic particles with geometric anisotropy can create a hierarchy of structures at different length scales, which can be used to achieve a wide range of properties. We aim to characterize these hierarchical structures and relate them to final composite properties so we can achieve our ultimate goal of designing a material for a prescribed performance. The complex particle structures are formed during processing by using electric and magnetic fields, and they are then locked-in by curing the polymer matrix around the particles. The model materials used in the study are barium hexaferrite (BHF) particles and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer. BHF was selected for its hard magnetic properties and high geometric anisotropy. PDMS was selected for its good mechanical properties and its tunable curing kinetics. The resulting BHF-PDMS composites are magnetoactive, i.e., they will deform and actuate in response to magnetic fields. In order to investigate the resulting particle orientation, distribution and alignment and to predict the composite’s macro scale properties, we developed techniques to quantify the particle structures.
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Important findings show 1) the ability to control structure using a combination of external electric, magnetic and thermal fields; 2) that electric fields promote long range order while magnetic fields promote short-range order; and 3) the resulting hierarchical structure greatly influence bulk material properties. Manipulating particles in a composite material is technologically important because changes in microstructure can alter the properties of the bulk material. The multifield processing we investigate here can form the basis for next generation additive manufacturing platforms where desired properties are tailored locally through in-situ hierarchical control of particle arrangements.
null (Ed.)
Abstract Composites can be tailored to specific applications by adjusting process variables. These variables include those related to composition, such as volume fraction of the constituents and those associated with processing methods, methods that can affect composite topology. In the case of particle matrix composites, orientation of the inclusions affects the resulting composite properties, particularly so in instances where the particles can be oriented and arranged into structures. In this work, we study the effects of coupled electric and magnetic field processing with externally applied fields on those structures, and consequently on the resulting material properties that arise. The ability to vary these processing conditions with the goal of generating microstructures that yield target material properties adds an additional level of control to the design of composite material properties. Moreover, while analytical models allow for the prediction of resulting composite properties from constituents and composite topology, these models do not build upward from process variables to make these predictions.
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