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Title: A Spatio-Temporal Prediction and Planning Framework for Proactive Human–Robot Collaboration

A significant challenge in human–robot collaboration (HRC) is coordinating robot and human motions. Discoordination can lead to production delays and human discomfort. Prior works seek coordination by planning robot paths that consider humans or their anticipated occupancy as static obstacles, making them nearsighted and prone to entrapment by human motion. This work presents the spatio-temporal avoidance of predictions-prediction and planning framework (STAP-PPF) to improve robot–human coordination in HRC. STAP-PPF predicts multi-step human motion sequences based on the locations of objects the human manipulates. STAP-PPF then proactively determines time-optimal robot paths considering predicted human motion and robot speed restrictions anticipated according to the ISO15066 speed and separation monitoring (SSM) mode. When executing robot paths, STAP-PPF continuously updates human motion predictions. In real-time, STAP-PPF warps the robot’s path to account for continuously updated human motion predictions and updated SSM effects to mitigate delays and human discomfort. Results show the STAP-PPF generates robot trajectories of shorter duration. STAP-PPF robot trajectories also adapted better to real-time human motion deviation. STAP-PPF robot trajectories also maintain greater robot/human separation throughout tasks requiring close human–robot interaction. Tests with an assembly sequence demonstrate STAP-PPF’s ability to predict multi-step human tasks and plan robot motions for the sequence. STAP-PPF also most accurately estimates robot trajectory durations, within 30% of actual, which can be used to adapt the robot sequencing to minimize disruption.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Pai Zheng 
Publisher / Repository:
ASME, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
human–robot collaboration, human–robot interaction, robot motion planning, control and automation, production systems optimization, robotics and flexible tooling
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  5. Abstract

    Human-robot collaboration (HRC) has become an integral element of many industries, including manufacturing. A fundamental requirement for safe HRC is to understand and predict human intentions and trajectories, especially when humans and robots operate in close proximity. However, predicting both human intention and trajectory components simultaneously remains a research gap. In this paper, we have developed a multi-task learning (MTL) framework designed for HRC, which processes motion data from both human and robot trajectories. The first task predicts human trajectories, focusing on reconstructing the motion sequences. The second task employs supervised learning, specifically a Support Vector Machine (SVM), to predict human intention based on the latent representation. In addition, an unsupervised learning method, Hidden Markov Model (HMM), is utilized for human intention prediction that offers a different approach to decoding the latent features. The proposed framework uses MTL to understand human behavior in complex manufacturing environments. The novelty of the work includes the use of a latent representation to capture temporal dynamics in human motion sequences and a comparative analysis of various encoder architectures. We validate our framework through a case study focused on a HRC disassembly desktop task. The findings confirm the system’s capability to accurately predict both human intentions and trajectories.

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