Changes in growing season climate are often the foci of research exploring forest response to climate change. By contrast, little is known about tree growth response to projected declines in winter snowpack and increases in soil freezing in seasonally snow‐covered forest ecosystems, despite extensive documentation of the importance of winter climate in mediating ecological processes. We conducted a 5‐year snow‐removal experiment whereby snow was removed for the first 4–5 weeks of winter in a northern hardwood forest at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire,
Climate change creates a variety of novel stressors for species, such as a decline in snowpack. Loss of snow has many impacts, including the loss of thermal insulation of soils. Winter/spring freezing of soils has been tied to forest mass mortality in multiple locations around the world. Many species, however, can take alternative growth forms, such as tall tree forms and short shrub-like forms. Shrub-forms may provide a unique protection from the snow loss phenomenon by providing a similar thermal insulation as snowpack. That hypothesis is tested here using yellow-cedar, a species undergoing mass mortality due to snow loss. Temperature loggers were placed under both tree- and shrub-form cedars, including areas where the species was experimentally removed. The number of soil freezing days was high in open areas, areas of tree mortality, and where the shrub-form was removed, but was almost zero in areas where the shrub-form was left intact. This suggests that growth-form temperature moderation is possible and may provide an important resistance to the mortality mechanism. In other areas around the world where snow loss is resulting in soil freezing and mortality, growth forms should be investigated as a potential moderating mechanism for this particular climate change stress.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10494112
- Publisher / Repository:
- Oxford Academic
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Forest Science
- Volume:
- 68
- Issue:
- 5-6
- 0015-749X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 435 to 439
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Climate models for the northeastern United States (U.S.) over the next century predict an increase in air temperature between 2.8 and 4.3 °C and a decrease in the average number of days per year when a snowpack will cover the forest floor (Hayhoe et al. 2007, 2008; Campbell et al. 2010). Studies of forest dynamics in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems have been primarily conducted during the growing season, when most biological activity occurs. However, in recent years considerable progress has been made in our understanding of how winter climate change influences dynamics in these forests. The snowpack insulates soil from below-freezing air temperatures, which facilitates a significant amount of microbial activity. However, a smaller snowpack and increased depth and duration of soil frost amplify losses of dissolved organic C and NO3- in leachate, as well as N2O released into the atmosphere. The increase in nutrient loss following increased soil frost cannot be explained by changes in microbial activity alone. More likely, it is caused by a decrease in plant nutrient uptake following increases in soil frost. We conducted a snow-removal experiment at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest to determine the effects of a smaller winter snowpack and greater depth and duration of soil frost on trees, soil microbes, and arthropods. A number of publications have been based on these data: Comerford et al. 2013, Reinmann et al. 2019, Templer 2012, and Templer et al. 2012. These data were gathered as part of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (HBES). The HBES is a collaborative effort at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, which is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station. Campbell JL, Ollinger SV, Flerchinger GN, Wicklein H, Hayhoe K, Bailey AS. Past and projected future changes in snowpack and soil frost at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA. Hydrological Processes. 2010; 24:2465–2480. Comerford DP, PG Schaberg, PH Templer, AM Socci, JL Campbell, and KF Wallin. 2013. Influence of experimental snow removal on root and canopy physiology of sugar maple trees in a northern hardwood forest. Oecologia 171:261-269. Hayhoe K, Wake CP, Huntington TG, Luo LF, Schwartz MD, Sheffield J, et al. Past and future changes in climate and hydrological indicators in the US Northeast. Climate Dynamics. 2007; 28:381–407. Hayhoe, K., Wake, C., Anderson, B. et al. Regional climate change projections for the Northeast USA. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change 13, 425–436 (2008). Reinmann AB, J Susser, EMC Demaria, PH Templer. 2019. Declines in northern forest tree growth following snowpack decline and soil freezing. Global Change Biology 25:420-430. Templer PH. 2012. Changes in winter climate: soil frost, root injury, and fungal communities (Invited). Plant and Soil 35: 15-17 Templer PH , AF Schiller, NW Fuller, AM Socci, JL Campbell, JE Drake, and TH Kunz. 2012. Impact of a reduced winter snowpack on litter arthropod abundance and diversity in a northern hardwood forest ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48:413-424.more » « less
Abstract In arctic environments, drifting snow around large shrub patches during winter may enhance growth by insulating the soil and facilitating overwinter nutrient turnover, leading to increased summer plant growth and potentially widespread increases in shrub cover.
To determine whether snow enhances growth of arctic plants, we examined the effect of 6 years of added snow on plant biomass allocation and growth of nine common vascular plant species collected in 2010 and 2011 on either side of snowfences established in 2005 across a gradient of shrub biomass and productivity near Toolik Lake, Alaska.
The deciduous shrub
Salix pulchra responded most positively to added snow showing an 88% increase in total ramet biomass, because increased secondary growth allowed plants to support more branches and leaves. Some graminoid species also showed growth increases, especially where they were more abundant and larger than nearby shrub species.Species sharing the same growth strategy (deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs and graminoids) responded differently to increased snow, with some showing increased growth, others showing decreased growth, and some showing no effects. We found that relative biomass per ramet in combination with growth strategy is a better predictor of species’ growth responses to added snow than growth strategy alone.
Our research shows that a primary mechanism for enhanced growth of shrubs in response to deeper snow is increased secondary growth. Improved growth may be an important way in which arctic plants spread, since they are often long‐lived and clonal, and this may help explain the increase in shrub cover observed across northern latitudes. As shrub patches continue to expand and increase surrounding snow depths during winter, secondary growth of fast‐growing deciduous shrub species may play an important role in defining future landscape community composition and ecosystem processes.
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