- Award ID(s):
- 2138733
- 10495008
- Publisher / Repository:
- Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting
- Date Published:
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Type: Poster Presentation Category: FARM SCEC Award: 21140 SCEC Theme/Topic: Community Models
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- Palm Springs, CA
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The Late Cretaceous arc flare-up event from 90 to 70 in the Transverse Ranges of the Southern California Batholith was temporally and spatially associated with the development of a large contractional shear system that includes discontinuous segments of the Tumamait shear zone (Mt. Pinos), the Alamo Mountain-Piru Creek shear zone, the Black Belt shear zone (Cucamonga terrane), and the Eastern Peninsular Ranges shear zone. The age and kinematics of these shear zones inform the tectonic setting of the continental arc in Southern California during the beginning of the Laramide orogeny and during postulated large-magnitude dextral translations along the margin (the Baja-BC hypothesis). The Mt. Pinos sector of the Southern California Batholith preserves the intra-arc, transpressional Tumamait shear zone and the ductile-to-brittle Sawmill thrust, both of which record Late Cretaceous deformation. The batholith and shear zone are hosted by Mesoproterozoic biotite gneisses and migmatites (1750-1760 Ma), Neoproterozoic biotite granites (660 Ma), Permo-Triassic granitic gneisses and amphibolite (260-250 Ma), and Late Jurassic granites and gneisses (160-140 Ma). Late Cretaceous rocks are variably deformed and include porphyritic granodiorite gneisses and peraluminous granites emplaced at 86 to 70 Ma. Mylonites of the Tumamait shear zone affect all rocks in the area and generally strike NW-SE and dip moderately to the NE and SW. Mineral stretching lineations plunge shallowly to the SE. Mylonitic fabrics are folded into a regional, SE-plunging synform that results in alternating bands of sinistral and dextral shear fabrics. Syn-kinematic titanites from 5 mylonitic samples give a 720-700°C temperature range, and lower-intercept 206Pb/238U dates of 77.0 Ma, 76.8 Ma, 75.1 Ma, 74.2 Ma, and 74.0 Ma. Subsequent folding of the mylonite is linked to N-directed motion on the Sawmill thrust. 40Ar-39Ar thermochronology ages of 67-66 Ma and onlapping Eocene shales indicate Latest Cretaceous activity on the thrust, prior to Eocene arc collapse. Based on the age of the Tumamait shear zone, we speculate that it is related to sinistral deformation observed in the nearby Alamo Mountain-Piru Creek and the Black Belt shear zones. We attribute the younger Sawmill thrust to collision of the Hess oceanic plateau with the Southern California Batholith after 70 Ma.more » « less
We present >90 new igneous and metamorphic zircon and titanite petrochronology ages from the eastern Transverse Ranges of the Southern California Batholith (SCB) to investigate magmatic and tectonic processes in the frontal arc during postulated initiation of Late Cretaceous shallow-slab subduction. Our data cover >4000 km2 in the eastern Transverse Ranges and include data from Mesozoic plutons in the Mt. Pinos, Alamo Mountain, San Gabriel Mountain blocks, and the Eastern Peninsular mylonite zone. Igneous zircon data reveal 4 discrete pulses of magmatism at 258-220 Ma, 160-142 Ma, 120-118 Ma, and 90-66 Ma. The latter pulse involved a widespread magmatic surge in the SCB and coincided with garnet-granulite to upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism and partial melting in the lower crust (Cucamonga terrane, eastern San Gabriel Mountains). In this region, metamorphic zircons in gneisses, migmatites and calc-silicates record high-temperature metamorphism from 91 to 74 Ma at 9–7 kbars and 800–730°C. The Late Cretaceous arc flare-up was temporally and spatially associated with the development of a regionally extensive oblique sinistral-reverse shear system that includes from north to south (present-day) the Tumamait shear zone (Mt. Pinos), the Alamo Mountain-Piru Creek shear zone, the Black Belt shear zone (Cucamonga terrane), and the Eastern Peninsular Ranges shear zone. Syn-kinematic, metamorphic titanite ages in the Tumamait shear zone range from 77–74 Ma at 720–700°C, titanites in the Black Belt mylonite zone give an age of 83 Ma, and those in the eastern Peninsular Ranges mylonite zone give ages of 89–86 Ma at 680–670°C. These data suggest a progressive northward younging of ductile shearing at amphibolite- to upper-amphibolite-facies conditions from 88 to 74 Ma, which overlaps with the timing of the Late Cretaceous arc flare-up event. Collectively, these data indicate that arc magmatism, high-temperature metamorphism, and intra-arc contraction were active in the SCB throughout the Late Cretaceous. These observations appear to contradict existing models for the termination of magmatism and refrigeration of the arc due to underthrusting of the conjugate Shatsky rise starting at ca. 88 Ma. We suggest that shallow-slab subduction likely postdates ca. 74 Ma when high-temperature metamorphism ceased in the SCB.more » « less
Abstract The Punta del Cobre district near Copiapó is a center of iron oxide-copper–gold (IOCG) mineralization spatially and temporally associated with regional sodic-calcic hydrothermal alteration, the Atacama fault system (AFS), and two phases of Early Cretaceous magmatism. Here, we investigate the spatiotemporal and geochemical relationships between magmatism, ductile deformation, and hydrothermal alteration along the ~ 200 to 300-m-thick steeply NW-dipping Sierra Chicharra shear zone, interpreted to be the major strand of the AFS. Mylonitic fabrics and oblique sinistral-reverse kinematic indicators together record coaxial flattening in a transpressional regime. Deformation on the AFS took place before, during, and after intrusion of the synkinematic Sierra Chicharra quartz diorite of the Coastal Cordillera arc at ~ 122 Ma and terminated before intrusion of the unstrained ~ 114 Ma Sierra Atacama diorite of the Copiapó batholith. Geochemical data show that the Copiapó batholith was more mafic and more K-rich than the calc-alkaline Coastal Cordillera arc. This time period thus overlaps IOCG mineralization in the Punta del Cobre district (~ 120 to 110 Ma). Multiple phases of sodic-calcic alteration in and around the AFS shear zone are recognized. Textures of altered rock in the shear zone show both synkinematic assemblages and post-kinematic hydrothermal oligoclase. A ~ 775-m-long andradite vein that cuts the shear zone formed broadly at the end of magmatism in the district (~ 95 Ma). Oxygen isotope ratios from the vein indicate that hydrothermal fluids were likely magmatically derived. Together, this work shows the AFS-related shear zone and nearby IOCG mineralization developed in a regional transpressional regime produced by SE-directed oblique convergence across a NE-striking shear zone. IOCG-related magmatic-hydrothermal fluids exploited this transcrustal shear zone to produce multiple episodes of regional sodic-calcic alteration formed from fluids exsolved from magmas or driven by the heat of the Coastal Cordillera arc and Copiapó batholith.
We present a new method of linking microstructures, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)–derived crystallographic vorticity axis (CVA) analysis, and titanite petrochronology to directly link fabric development to specific deformation events in shear zone rocks with complex histories. This approach is particularly useful where overprinting is incomplete, such that it is unknown which fabric is being dated by the petrochronometer. Here, we compared single-phase CVA patterns of fabric-forming minerals with those of synkinematic petrochronometers (e.g., titanite) to associate the timing of fabric development with deformational events in the middle crust of the George Sound shear zone, Fiordland, New Zealand. The host rocks to the George Sound shear zone include the Carboniferous Large Pluton, where titanite petrochronology demonstrates an unequivocally Cretaceous age of metamorphic titanite growth within mylonitic foliation. However, the host rocks show two distinct CVA patterns: a transtensional deformation event recorded by quartz and plagioclase, and a pure-shear–dominated transpressional deformation event recorded by biotite and titanite. Therefore, the transpressional CVA pattern of the titanite, coupled with its Cretaceous age, shows that it cannot be used to date the quartz and plagioclase fabric developed in response to an older transtensional deformation event. These results demonstrate the necessity of combining EBSD and CVA analysis with petrochronology to demonstrate that synkinematic accessory phase petrochronometers show the same kinematic deformation geometry (i.e., CVA pattern) as the fabric being dated.more » « less
The Southern California Batholith is a ~500-km-wide segment of the Mesozoic California arc that lies between the northern Peninsular Ranges and the southern Sierra Nevada mountains. We use structural data and U-Pb zircon analyses from the eastern San Gabriel mountains to examine how the batholith responded to the onset of the Laramide orogeny during the Late Cretaceous. Zircon analyses show that the middle and lower crust of the batholith was hot and records a magmatic flareup from 90-77 Ma. From 90 to 86 Ma, tonalite of the San Sevaine Lookout intruded a thick package of metasedimentary rock that records a history of reverse displacements, crustal imbrication, and granulite metamorphism prior to tonalite intrusion. During the early stages of the magmatic flare-up, granodiorite dikes were emplaced and soon became tightly folded and disaggregated as younger sheets of comagmatic tonalite intruded. Deformation accompanied the magmatism, forming two parallel shear zones several 100 m thick. These two shear zones, which include the Black Belt Mylonite, are composed of thin (≤10 m) high-strain zones spaced several tens of meters apart. Each discrete high-strain zone contains subparallel layers of mylonite, ultramylonite, cataclasite and pseudotachylyte, all recording oblique sinistral-reverse displacements on gently and moderately dipping surfaces. This architecture, whereby individual high-strain zones are widely spaced and parallel the margins of intruding tonalite sheets, reveals the influence of magma emplacement on shear zone structure. U-Pb zircon geochronology on syn-tectonic dikes indicate that these different styles of deformation all formed within the same 89-85 Ma interval, suggesting that they reflect non-steady flow on deep seismogenic faults. Widespread (garnet) granulite-facies metamorphism and partial melting accompanied intrusion of the tonalites and sinistral- reverse displacements. The ages of undeformed dikes indicate that the deformation was over by 77-75 Ma. Together, these data show that arc magmatism and transpression within the Mesozoic California arc occurred from ~90 until ~75 Ma, implying that flat-slab subduction and the migration of the Laramide orogenic front into the North America interior occurred after ~75 Ma.more » « less