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Title: Torsion phenomena for zero-cycles on a product of curves over a number field

For a smooth projective varietyXover an algebraic number fieldka conjecture of Bloch and Beilinson predicts that the kernel of the Albanese map ofXis a torsion group. In this article we consider a product$$X=C_1\times \cdots \times C_d$$X=C1××Cdof smooth projective curves and show that if the conjecture is true for any subproduct of two curves, then it is true forX. For a product$$X=C_1\times C_2$$X=C1×C2of two curves over$$\mathbb {Q} $$Qwith positive genus we construct many nontrivial examples that satisfy the weaker property that the image of the natural map$$J_1(\mathbb {Q})\otimes J_2(\mathbb {Q})\xrightarrow {\varepsilon }{{\,\textrm{CH}\,}}_0(C_1\times C_2)$$J1(Q)J2(Q)εCH0(C1×C2)is finite, where$$J_i$$Jiis the Jacobian variety of$$C_i$$Ci. Our constructions include many new examples of non-isogenous pairs of elliptic curves$$E_1, E_2$$E1,E2with positive rank, including the first known examples of rank greater than 1. Combining these constructions with our previous result, we obtain infinitely many nontrivial products$$X=C_1\times \cdots \times C_d$$X=C1××Cdfor which the analogous map$$\varepsilon $$εhas finite image.

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Publisher / Repository:
Springer Science + Business Media
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Journal Name:
Research in Number Theory
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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