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Title: Cross‐Scale Modeling of Storm‐Time Radiation Belt Variability

During geomagnetic storms relativistic outer radiation belt electron flux exhibits large variations on rapid time scales of minutes to days. Many competing acceleration and loss processes contribute to the dynamic variability of the radiation belts; however, distinguishing the relative contribution of each mechanism remains a major challenge as they often occur simultaneously and over a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. In this study, we develop a new comprehensive model for storm‐time radiation belt dynamics by incorporating electron wave‐particle interactions with parallel propagating whistler mode waves into our global test‐particle model of the outer belt. Electron trajectories are evolved through the electromagnetic fields generated from the Multiscale Atmosphere‐Geospace Environment (MAGE) global geospace model. Pitch angle scattering and energization of the test particles are derived from analytical expressions for quasi‐linear diffusion coefficients that depend directly on the magnetic field and density from the magnetosphere simulation. Using a study of the 17 March 2013 geomagnetic storm, we demonstrate that resonance with lower band chorus waves can produce rapid relativistic flux enhancements during the main phase of the storm. While electron loss from the outer radiation belt is dominated by loss through the magnetopause, wave‐particle interactions drive significant atmospheric precipitation. We also show that the storm‐time magnetic field and cold plasma density evolution produces strong, local variations of the magnitude and energy of the wave‐particle interactions and is critical to fully capturing the dynamic variability of the radiation belts caused by wave‐particle interactions.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Journal of Geophysical Research
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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