Task and motion planning subject to linear temporal logic (LTL) specifications in complex, dynamic
environments requires efficient exploration of many possible future worlds. model‐free reinforcement
learning has proven successful in a number of challenging tasks, but shows poor performance on tasks that
require long‐term planning. in this work, we integrate Monte Carlo tree search with hierarchical neural net
policies trained on expressive LTL specifications. we use reinforcement learning to find deep neural networks
representing both low‐level control policies and task‐level ``option policies'' that achieve high‐level goals. our
combined architecture generates safe and responsive motion plans that respect theLTL constraints. we
demonstrate our approach in a simulated autonomous driving setting, where a vehicle must drive down a
road in traffic, avoid collisions, and navigate an intersection, all while obeying rules of the road.
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Instructing Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning Agents with Temporal Logic Objectives
Goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful approach for learning general-purpose skills by reaching diverse goals. However, it has limitations when it comes to task-conditioned policies, where goals are specified by temporally extended instructions written in the Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formal language. Existing approaches for finding LTL-satisfying policies rely on sampling a large set of LTL instructions during training to adapt to unseen tasks at inference time. However, these approaches do not guarantee generalization to out-of-distribution LTL objectives, which may have increased complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address this challenge. We show that simple goal-conditioned RL agents can be instructed to follow arbitrary LTL specifications without additional training over the LTL task space. Unlike existing approaches that focus on LTL specifications expressible as regular expressions, our technique is unrestricted and generalizes to ω-regular expressions. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in adapting goal-conditioned RL agents to satisfy complex temporal logic task specifications zero-shot.
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- 10511032
- Publisher / Repository:
- NeurIPS Proceedings
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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