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Title: Robust Neural Network Approach to System Identification in the High-Noise Regime
We present a new algorithm for learning unknown gov- erning equations from trajectory data, using a family of neural net- works. Given samples of solutions x(t) to an unknown dynamical system x ̇ (t) = f (t, x(t)), we approximate the function f using a family of neural networks. We express the equation in integral form and use Euler method to predict the solution at every successive time step using at each iter- ation a different neural network as a prior for f. This procedure yields M-1 time-independent networks, where M is the number of time steps at which x(t) is observed. Finally, we obtain a single function f(t,x(t)) by neural network interpolation. Unlike our earlier work, where we numer- ically computed the derivatives of data, and used them as target in a Lipschitz regularized neural network to approximate f, our new method avoids numerical differentiations, which are unstable in presence of noise. We test the new algorithm on multiple examples in a high-noise setting. We empirically show that generalization and recovery of the governing equation improve by adding a Lipschitz regularization term in our loss function and that this method improves our previous one especially in the high-noise regime, when numerical differentiation provides low qual- ity target data. Finally, we compare our results with other state of the art methods for system identification.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Springer Verlag
Date Published:
Medium: X
Nice, France
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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