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Title: $\mathcal {H}_{2}$- and $\mathcal {H}_\infty$-Optimal Model Predictive Controllers for Robust Legged Locomotion
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems
Page Range / eLocation ID:
225 to 238
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. A<sc>bstract</sc>

    We develop Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) predictions ofσ($$ \mathcal{GG} $$GGh), Γ(h$$ \mathcal{GG} $$GG), Γ(h$$ \mathcal{AA} $$AA) to incorporate full two loop Standard Model results at the amplitude level, in conjunction with dimension eight SMEFT corrections. We simultaneously report consistent Γ(h$$ \overline{\Psi}\Psi $$Ψ¯Ψ) results including leading QCD corrections and dimension eight SMEFT corrections. This extends the predictions of the former processes Γ, σto a full set of corrections at$$ \mathcal{O}\left({\overline{v}}_T^2/{\varLambda}^2{\left(16{\pi}^2\right)}^2\right) $$Ov¯T2/Λ216π22and$$ \mathcal{O}\left({\overline{v}}_T^4/{\Lambda}^4\right) $$Ov¯T4/Λ4, where$$ {\overline{v}}_T $$v¯Tis the electroweak scale vacuum expectation value and Λ is the cut off scale of the SMEFT. Throughout, cross consistency between the operator and loop expansions is maintained by the use of the geometric SMEFT formalism. For Γ(h$$ \overline{\Psi}\Psi $$Ψ¯Ψ), we include results at$$ \mathcal{O}\left({\overline{v}}_T^2/{\Lambda}^2\left(16{\pi}^2\right)\right) $$Ov¯T2/Λ216π2in the limit where subleadingmΨ→ 0 corrections are neglected. We clarify how gauge invariant SMEFT renormalization counterterms combine with the Standard Model counter terms in higher order SMEFT calculations when the Background Field Method is used. We also update the prediction of the total Higgs width in the SMEFT to consistently include some of these higher order perturbative effects.

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  2. This paper presents a scalable tensor-based approach to computing controllability and observability-type energy functions for nonlinear dynamical systems with polynomial drift and linear input and output maps. Using Kronecker product polynomial expansions, we convert the Hamilton- Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equations for the energy functions into a series of algebraic equations for the coefficients of the energy functions. We derive the specific tensor structure that arises from the Kronecker product representation and analyze the computational complexity to efficiently solve these equations. The convergence and scalability of the proposed energy function computation approach is demonstrated on a nonlinear reaction-diffusion model with cubic drift nonlinearity, for which we compute degree 3 energy function approximations in n = 1023 dimensions and degree 4 energy function approximations in n = 127 dimensions. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
    A bstract In this paper we present a fully-differential calculation for the contributions to the partial widths H → $$ b\overline{b} $$ b b ¯ and H → $$ c\overline{c} $$ c c ¯ that are sensitive to the top quark Yukawa coupling y t to order $$ {\alpha}_s^3 $$ α s 3 . These contributions first enter at order $$ {\alpha}_s^2 $$ α s 2 through terms proportional to y t y q ( q = b, c ). At order $$ {\alpha}_s^3 $$ α s 3 corrections to the mixed terms are present as well as a new contribution proportional to $$ {y}_t^2 $$ y t 2 . Our results retain the mass of the final-state quarks throughout, while the top quark is integrated out resulting in an effective field theory (EFT). Our results are implemented into a Monte Carlo code allowing for the application of arbitrary final-state selection cuts. As an example we present differential distributions for observables in the Higgs boson rest frame using the Durham jet clustering algorithm. We find that the total impact of the top-induced (i.e. EFT) pieces is sensitive to the nature of the final-state cuts, particularly b -tagging and c -tagging requirements. For bottom quarks, the EFT pieces contribute to the total width (and differential distributions) at around the percent level. The impact is much bigger for the H → $$ c\overline{c} $$ c c ¯ channel, with effects as large as 15%. We show however that their impact can be significantly reduced by the application of jet-tagging selection cuts. 
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