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Title: User Dynamics and Thematic Exploration in r/Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From Overlapping r/SuicideWatch Users

In 2023, the United States experienced its highest- recorded number of suicides, exceeding 50,000 deaths. In the realm of psychiatric disorders, major depressive disorder stands out as the most common issue, affecting 15% to 17% of the population and carrying a notable suicide risk of approximately 15%. However, not everyone with depression has suicidal thoughts. While “suicidal depression” is not a clinical diagnosis, it may be observed in daily life, emphasizing the need for awareness.


This study aims to examine the dynamics, emotional tones, and topics discussed in posts within the r/Depression subreddit, with a specific focus on users who had also engaged in the r/SuicideWatch community. The objective was to use natural language processing techniques and models to better understand the complexities of depression among users with potential suicide ideation, with the goal of improving intervention and prevention strategies for suicide.


Archived posts were extracted from the r/Depression and r/SuicideWatch Reddit communities in English spanning from 2019 to 2022, resulting in a final data set of over 150,000 posts contributed by approximately 25,000 unique overlapping users. A broad and comprehensive mix of methods was conducted on these posts, including trend and survival analysis, to explore the dynamic of users in the 2 subreddits. The BERT family of models extracted features from data for sentiment and thematic analysis.


On August 16, 2020, the post count in r/SuicideWatch surpassed that of r/Depression. The transition from r/Depression to r/SuicideWatch in 2020 was the shortest, lasting only 26 days. Sadness emerged as the most prevalent emotion among overlapping users in the r/Depression community. In addition, physical activity changes, negative self-view, and suicidal thoughts were identified as the most common depression symptoms, all showing strong positive correlations with the emotion tone of disappointment. Furthermore, the topic “struggles with depression and motivation in school and work” (12%) emerged as the most discussed topic aside from suicidal thoughts, categorizing users based on their inclination toward suicide ideation.


Our study underscores the effectiveness of using natural language processing techniques to explore language markers and patterns associated with mental health challenges in online communities like r/Depression and r/SuicideWatch. These insights offer novel perspectives distinct from previous research. In the future, there will be potential for further refinement and optimization of machine classifications using these techniques, which could lead to more effective intervention and prevention strategies.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Journal Name:
Journal of Medical Internet Research
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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