- Award ID(s):
- 1846308
- 10524959
- Publisher / Repository:
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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We propose a novel 3D source seeking algorithm for rigid bodies with a non-collocated sensor inspired by the chemotactic navigation strategy of sea urchin sperm known as helical klinotaxis. We work directly with the rotation group SO(3) without parameterization in representing the attitude of a rigid body. As a consequence, the proposed algorithm does not require attitude feedback for implementation as opposed to all previous work on 3D source seeking. The stability of the proposed algorithm is proven using an intricate combination of singular perturbation and second order averaging.more » « less
This article proposes a novel integral geometric control attitude tracking scheme, utilizing a coordinate-free representation of attitude on the Lie group of rigid body rotations, SO(3). This scheme exhibits almost global asymptotic stability in tracking a reference attitude profile. The stability and robustness properties of this integral tracking control scheme are shown using Lyapunov stability analysis. A numerical simulation study, utilizing a Lie Group Variational Integrator (LGVI), verifies the stability of this tracking control scheme, as well as its robustness to a disturbance torque. In addition, a numerical comparison study shows the effectiveness of the proposed geometric integral term, when compared to other state-of-the-art attitude controllers. In addition, software-in-the-loop (SITL) simulations show the advantages of utilizing the proposed attitude controller in PX4 autopilot compared to using PX4’s original attitude controller.
This paper reports a novel result: with proper robot models based on geometric mechanics, one can formulate the kinodynamic motion planning problems for rigid body systems as exact polynomial optimization problems. Due to the nonlinear rigid body dynamics, the motion planning problem for rigid body systems is nonconvex. Existing global optimization-based methods do not parameterize 3D rigid body motion efficiently; thus, they do not scale well to long-horizon planning problems. We use Lie groups as the configuration space and apply the variational integrator to formulate the forced rigid body dynamics as quadratic polynomials. Then, we leverage Lasserre’s hierarchy of moment relaxation to obtain the globally optimal solution via semidefinite programming. By leveraging the sparsity of the motion planning problem, the proposed algorithm has linear complexity with respect to the planning horizon. This paper demonstrates that the proposed method can provide globally optimal solutions or certificates of infeasibility at the second-order relaxation for 3D drone landing using full dynamics and inverse kinematics for serial manipulators. Moreover, we extend the algorithms to multi-body systems via the constrained variational integrators. The testing cases on cart-pole and drone with cable-suspended load suggest that the proposed algorithms can provide rank-one optimal solutions or nontrivial initial guesses. Finally, we propose strategies to speed up the computation, including an alternative formulation using quaternion, which provides empirically tight relaxations for the drone landing problem at the first-order relaxation.
This paper focuses on the problem of multi-robot source-seeking, where a group of mobile sensors localizes and moves close to a single source using only local measurements. Drawing inspiration from the optimal sensor placement research, we develop an algorithm that estimates the source location while approaches the source following gradient descent steps on a loss function defined on the Fisher information. We show that exploiting Fisher information gives a higher chance of obtaining an accurate source location estimate and naturally leads the sensors to the source. Our numerical experiments demonstrate the advantages of our algorithm, including faster convergence to the source than other algorithms, flexibility in the choice of the loss function, and robustness to measurement modeling errors. Moreover, the performance improves as the number of sensors increases, showing the advantage of using multi-robots in our source-seeking algorithm. We also implement physical experiments to test the algorithm on small ground vehicles with light sensors, demonstrating success in seeking a moving light source.more » « less
Atzmuller, Martin ; Coscia, Michele ; Missaoui, Rokia (Ed.)Influence diffusion has been central to the study of the propagation of information in social networks, where influence is typically modeled as a binary property of entities: influenced or not influenced. We introduce the notion of attitude, which, as described in social psychology, is the degree by which an entity is influenced by the information. We present an information diffusion model that quantifies the degree of influence, i.e., attitude of individuals, in a social network. With this model, we formulate and study the attitude maximization problem. We prove that the function for computing attitude is monotonic and sub-modular, and the attitude maximization problem is NP-Hard. We present a greedy algorithm for maximization with an approximation guarantee of $(1-1/e)$. Using the same model, we also introduce the notion of ``actionable'' attitude with the aim to study the scenarios where attaining individuals with high attitude is objectively more important than maximizing the attitude of the entire network. We show that the function for computing actionable attitude, unlike that for computing attitude, is non-submodular but is approximately submodular. We present an approximation algorithm for maximizing actionable attitude in a network. We experimentally evaluated our algorithms and studied empirical properties of the attitude of nodes in the network such as spatial and value distribution of high attitude nodes.more » « less