The limited-memory BFGS (Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) method is widely used for large-scale unconstrained optimization, but its behavior on nonsmooth problems has received little attention. L-BFGS (limited memory BFGS) can be used with or without ‘scaling’; the use of scaling is normally recommended. A simple special case, when just one BFGS update is stored and used at every iteration, is sometimes also known as memoryless BFGS. We analyze memoryless BFGS with scaling, using any Armijo–Wolfe line search, on the function $f(x) = a|x^{(1)}| + \sum _{i=2}^{n} x^{(i)}$, initiated at any point $x_0$ with $x_0^{(1)}\not = 0$. We show that if $a\ge 2\sqrt{n-1}$, the absolute value of the normalized search direction generated by this method converges to a constant vector, and if, in addition, $a$ is larger than a quantity that depends on the Armijo parameter, then the iterates converge to a nonoptimal point $\bar x$ with $\bar x^{(1)}=0$, although $f$ is unbounded below. As we showed in previous work, the gradient method with any Armijo–Wolfe line search also fails on the same function if $a\geq \sqrt{n-1}$ and $a$ is larger than another quantity depending on the Armijo parameter, but scaled memoryless BFGS fails under a weaker condition relating $a$ to the Armijo parameter than that implying failure of the gradient method. Furthermore, in sharp contrast to the gradient method, if a specific standard Armijo–Wolfe bracketing line search is used, scaled memoryless BFGS fails when $a\ge 2 \sqrt{n-1}$regardless of the Armijo parameter. Finally, numerical experiments indicate that the results may extend to scaled L-BFGS with any fixed number of updates $m$, and to more general piecewise linear functions.
This content will become publicly available on May 1, 2025
Statistical and Computational Complexities of BFGS Quasi-Newton Method for Generalized Linear Models
The gradient descent (GD) method has been used widely to solve parameter estimation in generalized linear models (GLMs), a generalization of linear models when the link function can be non-linear. In GLMs with a polynomial link function, it has been shown that in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, due to the problem's strong convexity and smoothness, GD converges linearly and reaches the final desired accuracy in a logarithmic number of iterations. In contrast, in the low SNR setting, where the problem becomes locally convex, GD converges at a slower rate and requires a polynomial number of iterations to reach the desired accuracy. Even though Newton's method can be used to resolve the flat curvature of the loss functions in the low SNR case, its computational cost is prohibitive in high-dimensional settings as it is $\mathcal{O}(d^3)$, where $d$ the is the problem dimension. To address the shortcomings of GD and Newton's method, we propose the use of the BFGS quasi-Newton method to solve parameter estimation of the GLMs, which has a per iteration cost of $\mathcal{O}(d^2)$. When the SNR is low, for GLMs with a polynomial link function of degree $p$, we demonstrate that the iterates of BFGS converge linearly to the optimal solution of the population least-square loss function, and the contraction coefficient of the BFGS algorithm is comparable to that of Newton's method. Moreover, the contraction factor of the linear rate is independent of problem parameters and only depends on the degree of the link function $p$. Also, for the empirical loss with $n$ samples, we prove that in the low SNR setting of GLMs with a polynomial link function of degree $p$, the iterates of BFGS reach a final statistical radius of $\mathcal{O}((d/n)^{\frac{1}{2p+2}})$ after at most $\log(n/d)$ iterations. This complexity is significantly less than the number required for GD, which scales polynomially with $(n/d)$.
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- Award ID(s):
- 2007668
- 10526934
- Publisher / Repository:
- Transactions on Machine Learning Research
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Transactions on machine learning research
- 2835-8856
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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