Diversity in the properties of exoplanetary systems arises, in part, from dynamical evolution that occurs after planet formation. We use numerical integrations to explore the relative role of secular and resonant dynamics in the long-term evolution of model planetary systems, made up of three equal mass giant planets on initially eccentric orbits. The range of separations studied is dominated by secular processes, but intersects chains of high-order mean-motion resonances. Over time-scales of 108 orbits, the secular evolution of the simulated systems is predominantly regular. High-order resonant chains, however, can be a significant source of angular momentum deficit (AMD), leading to instability. Using a time series analysis based on a Hilbert transform, we associate instability with broad islands of chaotic evolution. Previous work has suggested that first-order resonances could modify the AMD of nominally secular systems and facilitate secular chaos. We find that higher order resonances, when present in chains, can have similar impacts.
- Award ID(s):
- 2109276
- 10529261
- Publisher / Repository:
- Elsevier
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Icarus
- Volume:
- 388
- Issue:
- C
- 0019-1035
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 115206
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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