This content will become publicly available on May 6, 2025
- Award ID(s):
- 1900277
- 10532043
- Publisher / Repository:
- IEEE Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- Orlando, FL
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Marine conservation design and fisheries management are increasingly integrating biophysical, socio-economic and governance considerations. Integrative approaches are adopted to achieve more effective, equitable, inclusive, and robust marine policies and practices. This paper describes a participatory process to co-produce biophysical, socio-economic, and governance principles to guide the design and management of marine reserves in three regions of Mexico: the Pacific region of the Baja California Peninsula, the Gulf of California, and the Mexican Caribbean. The process of co-producing the principles included convening a coordination team, reviewing the science, convening multi-stakeholder workshops, developing and communicating the principles with key practitioners and policy makers, and supporting uptake and application to policy and practice. Biophysical principles were related to: habitat representation and risk spreading; protecting critical, special and unique areas; incorporating connectivity; allowing time for recovery; adapting to changes in climate and ocean chemistry; and considering threats and opportunities. Socio-economic principles focused on: integrating the social context, local aspirations, and human-environment interactions; considering economic and non-economic uses, promoting an equitable distribution of costs and benefits, and respecting and maintaining cultural identity and diversity. Governance principles prioritized establishing and ensuring legitimacy and institutional continuity; implementing collaborative and adaptive management; and, promoting effective management. The paper also examines early efforts to implement the principles, next steps to promote further uptake and application in Mexico, and lessons learned from the process. Thus it provides insights into a practical process and a set of principles that are valuable to inform marine conservation and fisheries management processes elsewhere.more » « less
In this essay, we share historical and structural components of mentoring within institutions of higher education and grapple with technical and moral obligations of support. We argue for more humanizing approaches that embed personal, social, and cultural aspects of mentoring, and seek to disrupt the purposes of mentoring, and for whom? Using a critical approach, we promote justice-oriented and equity-driven models of mentoring that account for excessive teaching loads and service commitments for faculty at minority-serving institutions and Black and Brown faculty at predominantly White institutions. Current promotion and tenure publish or perish models neglect the intellectual and scholarly contributions made through teaching and service and therefore hold the same level of expectations for engagement in and dissemination of research. We share our own stories as Faculty of Color navigating institutional structures during the promotion and tenure process, while also negotiating incongruent cultures of our personal and professional lives. Furthermore, we address the need for mentoring and networking within exclusionary spaces to support the productivity and critical research agendas of Black and Brown faculty that often challenge the white heteronormative cultures of our institutions, professional organizations, peer-reviewed journals, and prestigious funding mechanisms. Implications of this essay include an acknowledgment of oppressive systems that early-career Black and Brown faculty often navigate and a call for diverse mentoring programs and supports that conform with and validate our lives and needs. Furthermore, we provide recommendations on evidence-based resources and approaches that are available to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics faculty and science educators.more » « less
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Abstract Despite the advancements in analytical techniques, there are still great challenges and difficulties in accurately and effectively quantifying and characterizing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in environmental samples. The objectives of this review paper are (a) to understand the roles and variability of DOC along the water continuum; (b) to identify the constraints, inconsistences, limitations, and artifacts in DOC characterization; and (c) to provide recommendations and remarks to improve the analytical accuracy. For the first objective, we summarize the four ecological and engineering roles of DOC along the water continuum from source water to municipal utility, including nutrients and energy sources, controlling the fates of micropollutants, buffering capacity, and treatability and precursors of disinfection byproducts. We also discuss three major challenges in DOC analysis, including spatial and temporal variations, degradability and stability, and unknown structures and formulas. For the second objective, we review the procedures and steps in DOC analysis, including sampling in diverse environmental matrices, isolation of DOC fraction, storage and preservation techniques, and analyses on bulk chemical characteristics. We list and discuss the available options and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each choice. Last, we provide recommendations and remarks for each stage: sampling, isolation, storage, and analysis.