Surface waves on Earth's magnetopause have a controlling effect upon global magnetospheric dynamics. Since spacecraft provide sparse in situ observation points, remote sensing these modes using ground‐based instruments in the polar regions is desirable. However, many open conceptual questions on the expected signatures remain. Therefore, we provide predictions of key qualitative features expected in auroral, ionospheric, and ground magnetic observations through both magnetohydrodynamic theory and a global coupled magnetosphere‐ionosphere simulation of a magnetopause surface eigenmode. These show monochromatic oscillatory field‐aligned currents (FACs), due to both the surface mode and its non‐resonant Alfvén coupling, are present throughout the magnetosphere. The currents peak in amplitude at the equatorward edge of the magnetopause boundary layer, not the open‐closed boundary as previously thought. They also exhibit slow poleward phase motion rather than being purely evanescent. We suggest the upward FAC perturbations may result in periodic auroral brightenings. In the ionosphere, convection vortices circulate the poleward moving FAC structures. Finally, surface mode signals are predicted in the ground magnetic field, with ionospheric Hall currents rotating perturbations by approximately (but not exactly) 90° compared to the magnetosphere. Thus typical dayside magnetopause surface modes should be strongest in the East‐West ground magnetic field component. Overall, all ground‐based signatures of the magnetopause surface mode are predicted to have the same frequency across
This content will become publicly available on August 5, 2025
The dynamics of Earth’s magnetopause, driven by several different external/internal physical processes, plays a major role in the geospace energy budget. Given magnetopause motion couples across many space plasma regions, numerous forms of observations may provide valuable information in understanding these dynamics and their impacts.
- Award ID(s):
- 2027210
- 10532412
- Publisher / Repository:
- Frontiers
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
- Volume:
- 11
- 2296-987X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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X gse = 10 as its typical location, to support the upcoming Solar wind‐Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere Link Explorer that will visualize the Earth's magnetosheath and cusps in soft X‐rays. Neutral hydrogen density is a key parameter that controls soft X‐ray emission and can be inversely extracted from the soft X‐ray observations. We introduce a unique method to estimate the dayside neutral density by using X‐ray Multi‐Mirror Mission (XMM)‐Newton astrophysics X‐ray observations and Open Geospace Global Circulation Model (OpenGGCM) global magnetosphere‐ionosphere magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model. On 4 May 2003 and 16 October 2001, the XMM‐Newton line of sight traversed the dayside of the Earth's magnetosheath and observed strong near‐Earth soft X‐ray emission. We simulate these two events using the OpenGGCM model. Although the model tends to produce a spatially thicker magnetosheath than measured, modeled magnetosheath plasma fluxes match well with the in situ observations of Cluster and Geotail. We calculate the neutral densities every thousand seconds by comparing the modeled count rates with the XMM‐Newton rates. The densities are averaged atR E 39.9 ± 8.0 and57.6 ± 8.0 cm−3 for the 4 May 2003 and 16 October 2001 events, respectively. Since our MHD tends to underestimate neutral densities due to its thicker magnetosheath, the true neutral density is likely to lie within the upper half of these error bars.