In this paper we provide an
This content will become publicly available on July 23, 2025
We present dynamic algorithms with
Our algorithms are based on simulating new two-pass streaming matching algorithms in the dynamic setting. Our key new idea is to invoke the recent sublinear-time matching algorithm of Behnezhad (FOCS’21) in a white-box manner to efficiently simulate the second pass of our streaming algorithms, while bypassing the well-known vertex-update barrier.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2238138
- 10536452
- Publisher / Repository:
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of the ACM
- 0004-5411
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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O (m loglogO (1)n log (1/ϵ))-expected time algorithm for solving Laplacian systems onn -nodem -edge graphs, improving upon the previous best expected runtime of achieved by (Cohen, Kyng, Miller, Pachocki, Peng, Rao, Xu 2014). To obtain this result we provide efficient constructions of low spectral stretch graph approximations with improved stretch and sparsity bounds. As motivation for this work, we show that for every set of vectors in\(O(m \sqrt {\log n} \mathrm{log log}^{O(1)} n \log (1/\epsilon)) \) (not just those induced by graphs) and all integer\(\mathbb {R}^d \) k > 1 there exist an ultra-sparsifier withd − 1 +O (d /k ) re-weighted vectors of relative condition number at mostk 2. For smallk , this improves upon the previous best known multiplicative factor of , which is only known for the graph case. Additionally, in the graph case we employ our low-stretch subgraph construction to obtain\(k \cdot \tilde{O}(\log d) \) n − 1 +O (n /k )-edge ultrasparsifiers of relative condition numberk 1 +o (1)fork =ω (logδ n ) for anyδ > 0: this improves upon the previous work fork =o (exp (log 1/2 −δ n )). -
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Minimum flow decomposition (MFD) is the NP-hard problem of finding a smallest decomposition of a network flow/circulation
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We consider the maximum matching problem in the semi-streaming model formalized by Feigenbaum, Kannan, McGregor, Suri, and Zhang that is inspired by giant graphs of today. As our main result, we give a two-pass (1/2 + 1/16)-approximation algorithm for triangle-free graphs and a two-pass (1/2 + 1/32)-approximation algorithm for general graphs; these improve the approximation ratios of 1/2 + 1/52 for bipartite graphs and 1/2 + 1/140 for general graphs by Konrad, Magniez, and Mathieu. In three passes, we are able to achieve approximation ratios of 1/2 + 1/10 for triangle-free graphs and 1/2 + 1/19.753 for general graphs. We also give a multi-pass algorithm where we bound the number of passes precisely—we give a (2/3 − ε)- approximation algorithm that uses 2/(3ε) passes for triangle-free graphs and 4/(3ε) passes for general graphs. Our algorithms are simple and combinatorial, use O(n log n) space, and (can be implemented to) have O(1) update time per edge. For general graphs, our multi-pass algorithm improves the best known deterministic algorithms in terms of the number of passes: * Ahn and Guha give a (2/3−ε)-approximation algorithm that uses O(log(1/ε)/ε2) passes, whereas our (2/3 − ε)-approximation algorithm uses 4/(3ε) passes; * they also give a (1 − ε)-approximation algorithm that uses O(log n · poly(1/ε)) passes, where n is the number of vertices of the input graph; although our algorithm is (2/3−ε)-approximation, our number of passes do not depend on n. Earlier multi-pass algorithms either have a large constant inside big-O notation for the number of passes or the constant cannot be determined due to the involved analysis, so our multi-pass algorithm should use much fewer passes for approximation ratios bounded slightly below 2/3.more » « less
We study the problem of approximating maximum Nash social welfare (NSW) when allocating
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