Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations have shown that relativistic collisionless shocks mediated by the Weibel instability accelerate ∼1% of incoming particles, while the majority are transmitted through the shock and become thermalized. The microphysical processes that determine whether an incoming particle will be transmitted or reflected are poorly understood. We study the microphysics of particle reflection in Weibel-mediated shocks by tracking a shell of test particles in a PIC simulation of a shock in pair plasma. We find that electrons in positron-dominated filaments and positrons in electron-dominated filaments efficiently reflect off of strong magnetic structures at the shock. To participate in diffusive shock acceleration, however, these reflected particles headed toward the upstream must avoid getting advected downstream. This is enabled by incoming filaments, which trap reflected particles carrying the same sign of current as the filaments. The final injection efficiency on the order of ∼1% thus results from the effectiveness of the initial reflection at the shock and the reflected particles’ probability of survival in the upstream postreflection. We develop a model that predicts the fraction of high-energy particles as a function of the properties of Weibel filamentation.
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Collisionless shocks tend to send charged particles into the upstream, driving electric currents through the plasma. Using kinetic particle-in-cell simulations, we investigate how the background thermal plasma neutralizes such currents in the upstream of quasi-parallel non-relativistic electron–proton shocks. We observe distinct processes in different regions: the far upstream, the shock precursor, and the shock foot. In the far upstream, the current is carried by nonthermal protons, which drive electrostatic modes and produce suprathermal electrons that move toward upstream infinity. Closer to the shock (in the precursor), both the current density and the momentum flux of the beam increase, which leads to electromagnetic streaming instabilities that contribute to the thermalization of suprathermal electrons. At the shock foot, these electrons are exposed to shock-reflected protons, resulting in a two-stream type instability. We analyze these processes and the resulting heating through particle tracking and controlled simulations. In particular, we show that the instability at the shock foot can make the effective thermal speed of electrons comparable to the drift speed of the reflected protons. These findings are important for understanding both the magnetic field amplification and the processes that may lead to the injection of suprathermal electrons into diffusive shock acceleration.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10542827
- Publisher / Repository:
- ApJ
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 968
- Issue:
- 1
- 0004-637X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 17
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract The ability of collisionless shocks to efficiently accelerate nonthermal electrons via diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) is thought to require an injection mechanism capable of preaccelerating electrons to high enough energy where they can start crossing the shock front potential. We propose, and show via fully kinetic plasma simulations, that in high-Mach-number shocks electrons can be effectively injected by scattering in kinetic-scale magnetic turbulence produced near the shock transition by the ion Weibel, or current filamentation, instability. We describe this process as a modified DSA mechanism where initially thermal electrons experience the flow velocity gradient in the shock transition and are accelerated via a first-order Fermi process as they scatter back and forth. The electron energization rate, diffusion coefficient, and acceleration time obtained in the model are consistent with particle-in-cell simulations and with the results of recent laboratory experiments where nonthermal electron acceleration was observed. This injection model represents a natural extension of DSA and could account for electron injection in high-Mach-number astrophysical shocks, such as those associated with young supernova remnants and accretion shocks in galaxy clusters.