Global change is altering patterns of community assembly, with net outcomes dependent on species' responses to the abiotic environment, both directly and mediated through biotic interactions. Here, we assess alpine plant community responses in a 15‐year factorial nitrogen addition, warming and snow manipulation experiment. We used a dynamic competition model to estimate the density‐dependent and ‐independent processes underlying changes in species‐group abundances over time. Density‐dependent shifts in competitive interactions drove long‐term changes in abundance of species‐groups under global change while counteracting environmental drivers limited the growth response of the dominant species through density‐independent mechanisms. Furthermore, competitive interactions shifted with the environment, primarily with nitrogen and drove non‐linear abundance responses across environmental gradients. Our results highlight that global change can either reshuffle species hierarchies or further favour already‐dominant species; predicting which outcome will occur requires incorporating both density‐dependent and ‐independent mechanisms and how they interact across multiple global change factors.
Forecasting plant responses under global change is a critical but challenging endeavour. Despite seemingly idiosyncratic responses of species to global change, greater generalisation of ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ may emerge from considering how species functional traits influence responses and how these responses scale to the community level. Here, we synthesised six long‐term global change experiments combined with locally measured functional traits. We quantified the change in abundance and probability of establishment through time for 70 alpine plant species and then assessed if leaf and stature traits were predictive of species and community responses across nitrogen addition, snow addition and warming treatments. Overall, we found that plants with more resource‐acquisitive trait strategies increased in abundance but each global change factor was related to different functional strategies. Nitrogen addition favoured species with lower leaf nitrogen, snow addition favoured species with cheaply constructed leaves and warming showed few consistent trends. Community‐weighted mean changes in trait values in response to nitrogen addition, snow addition and warming were often different from species‐specific trait effects on abundance and establishment, reflecting in part the responses and traits of dominant species. Together, these results highlight that the effects of traits can differ by scale and response of interest.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2224439
- 10549227
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley-Blackwell
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Ecology Letters
- Volume:
- 27
- Issue:
- 10
- 1461-023X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Wisconsin's plant communities are responding to shifting disturbance regimes, habitat fragmentation, aerial nitrogen deposition, exotic species invasions, ungulate herbivory, and successional processes. To better understand how plant functional traits mediate species' responses to changing environmental conditions, we collected a large set of functional trait data for vascular plant species occupying Wisconsin forests and grasslands. We used standard protocols to make 76,213 measurements of 34 quantitative traits. These data provide rich information on genome size, physical leaf traits (length, width, circularity, thickness, dry matter content, specific leaf area, etc.), chemical leaf traits (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, ash), life history traits (vegetative and flower heights, seed mass), and traits affecting plant palatability (leaf fiber, fat, and lignin). These trait values derive from replicate measurements on 12+ individuals of each species from multiple sites and 45+ individuals for a selected subset of species. Measurements typically reflect values for individuals although some chemical traits involved composite samples from several individuals at the same site. We also qualitatively characterized each species by plant family, woodiness, functional group, and Raunkiaer lifeform. These data allow us to characterize trait dimensionality, differentiation, and covariation among temperate plant species (e.g., leaf and stem economic syndromes). We can also characterize species' responses to environmental gradients and drivers of ecological change. With survey and resurvey data available from >400 sites in Wisconsin, we can analyze variation in community trait distributions and diversity over time and space. These data therefore allow us to assess how trait divergence vs. convergence affects community assembly and how traits may be related to half‐century shifts in the distribution and abundance of these species. The data set can be used for non‐commercial purposes. The data set is licensed as follows: CC‐By Attribution 4.0 International. We request users cite both the OSF data set and this Ecology data paper publication.
Abstract Nutrient enrichment impacts grassland plant diversity such as species richness, functional trait composition and diversity, but whether and how these changes affect ecosystem stability in the face of increasing climate extremes remains largely unknown.
We quantified the direct and diversity‐mediated effects of nutrient addition (by nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) on the stability of above‐ground biomass production in 10 long‐term grassland experimental sites. We measured five facets of stability as the temporal invariability, resistance during and recovery after extreme dry and wet growing seasons.
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Synthesis . Investigating changes in multiple facets of plant diversity and their impacts on multidimensional stability under global changes such as nutrient enrichment can improve our understanding of the processes and mechanisms maintaining ecosystem stability. -
Abstract Climate warming is expected to stimulate plant growth in high‐elevation and high‐latitude ecosystems, significantly increasing aboveground net primary production (ANPP). However, the effects of simultaneous changes in temperature, snowmelt timing, and summer water availability on total net primary production (NPP)—and elucidation of both above‐ and belowground responses—remain an important area in need of further study. In particular, measures of belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) are required to understand whether ANPP changes reflect changes in allocation or are indicative of a whole plant NPP response. Further, plant functional traits provide a key way to scale from the individual plant to the community level and provide insight into drivers of NPP responses to environmental change. We used infrared heaters to warm an alpine plant community at Niwot Ridge, Colorado, and applied supplemental water to compensate for soil water loss induced by warming. We measured ANPP, BNPP, and leaf and root functional traits across treatments after 5 yr of continuous warming. Community‐level ANPP and total NPP (ANPP + BNPP) did not respond to heating or watering, but BNPP increased in response to heating. Heating decreased community‐level leaf dry matter content and increased total root length, indicating a shift in strategy from resource conservation to acquisition in response to warming. Water use efficiency (WUE) decreased with heating, suggesting alleviation of moisture constraints that may have enabled the plant community to increase productivity. Heating may have decreased WUE by melting snow earlier and creating more days early in the growing season with adequate soil moisture, but stimulated dry mass investment in roots as soils dried down later in the growing season. Overall, this study highlights how ANPP and BNPP responses to climate change can diverge, and encourages a closer examination of belowground processes, especially in alpine systems, where the majority of NPP occurs belowground.
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Functional trait covariance patterns based on weighted averages were uniform across the gradient, whereas coordination based on unweighted averages was inconsistent and varied with environmental context. In line with these results, structural equation modeling revealed that unweighted community‐average traits responded directly to local environmental variation, whereas weighted community‐average traits responded indirectly to local environmental variation through trait coordination.
Our finding that trait coordination is more important for explaining the distribution of weighted than unweighted average trait values along the gradient indicates that environmental filtering acts on multiple traits simultaneously, with abundant species possessing more favorable combinations of traits for maximizing fitness in a given environment.