Bosonic encoding of quantum information into harmonic oscillators is a hardware efficient approach to battle noise. In this regard, oscillator-to-oscillator codes not only provide an additional opportunity in bosonic encoding, but also extend the applicability of error correction to continuous-variable states ubiquitous in quantum sensing and communication. In this work, we derive the optimal oscillator-to-oscillator codes among the general family of Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP)-stablizer codes for homogeneous noise. We prove that an arbitrary GKP-stabilizer code can be reduced to a generalized GKP two-mode-squeezing (TMS) code. The optimal encoding to minimize the geometric mean error can be constructed from GKP-TMS codes with an optimized GKP lattice and TMS gains. For single-mode data and ancilla, this optimal code design problem can be efficiently solved, and we further provide numerical evidence that a hexagonal GKP lattice is optimal and strictly better than the previously adopted square lattice. For the multimode case, general GKP lattice optimization is challenging. In the two-mode data and ancilla case, we identify the D4 lattice—a 4-dimensional dense-packing lattice—to be superior to a product of lower dimensional lattices. As a by-product, the code reduction allows us to prove a universal no-threshold-theorem for arbitrary oscillators-to-oscillators codes based on Gaussian encoding, even when the ancilla are not GKP states.
This content will become publicly available on September 19, 2025
Recent advancements in multi-mode Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) codes have shown great promise in enhancing the protection of both discrete and analog quantum information. This broadened range of protection brings opportunities beyond quantum computing to benefit quantum sensing by safeguarding squeezing — the essential resource in many quantum metrology protocols. However, the potential for quantum sensing to benefit quantum error correction has been less explored. In this work, we provide a unique example where techniques from quantum sensing can be applied to improve multi-mode GKP codes. Inspired by distributed quantum sensing, we propose the distributed two-mode squeezing (dtms) GKP codes that offer benefits in error correction with minimal active encoding operations. Indeed, the proposed codes rely on a(active) two-mode squeezing element and an array of beamsplitters that effectively distributes continuous-variable correlations to many GKP ancillae, similar to continuous-variable distributed quantum sensing. Despite this simple construction, the code distance achievable with dtms-GKP qubit codes is comparable to previous results obtained through brute-force numerical search \cite{lin2023closest}. Moreover, these codes enable analog noise suppression beyond that of the best-known two-mode codes \cite{noh2020o2o} without requiring an additional squeezer. We also provide a simple two-stage decoder for the proposed codes, which appears near-optimal for the case of two modes and permits analytical evaluation.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10554106
- Publisher / Repository:
- Verein zur Förderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Quantum
- Volume:
- 8
- 2521-327X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1478
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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