- 10444873
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- STOC 2023: Proceedings of the 55th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 520 to 527
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Oh, A ; Naumann, T ; Globerson, A ; Saenko, K ; Hardt, M ; Levine, S (Ed.)We investigate replicable learning algorithms. Informally a learning algorithm is replicable if the algorithm outputs the same canonical hypothesis over multiple runs with high probability, even when different runs observe a different set of samples from the unknown data distribution. In general, such a strong notion of replicability is not achievable. Thus we consider two feasible notions of replicability called {\em list replicability} and {\em certificate replicability}. Intuitively, these notions capture the degree of (non) replicability. The goal is to design learning algorithms with optimal list and certificate complexities while minimizing the sample complexity. Our contributions are the following. 1. We first study the learning task of estimating the biases of $d$ coins, up to an additive error of $\varepsilon$, by observing samples. For this task, we design a $(d+1)$-list replicable algorithm. To complement this result, we establish that the list complexity is optimal, i.e there are no learning algorithms with a list size smaller than $d+1$ for this task. We also design learning algorithms with certificate complexity $\tilde{O}(\log d)$. The sample complexity of both these algorithms is $\tilde{O}(\frac{d^2}{\varepsilon^2})$ where $\varepsilon$ is the approximation error parameter (for a constant error probability). 2. In the PAC model, we show that any hypothesis class that is learnable with $d$-nonadaptive statistical queries can be learned via a $(d+1)$-list replicable algorithm and also via a $\tilde{O}(\log d)$-certificate replicable algorithm. The sample complexity of both these algorithms is $\tilde{O}(\frac{d^2}{\nu^2})$ where $\nu$ is the approximation error of the statistical query. We also show that for the concept class \dtep, the list complexity is exactly $d+1$ with respect to the uniform distribution. To establish our upper bound results we use rounding schemes induced by geometric partitions with certain properties. We use Sperner/KKM Lemma to establish the lower bound results.more » « less
Posterior sampling, i.e., exponential mechanism to sample from the posterior distribution, provides ε-pure differential privacy (DP) guarantees and does not suffer from potentially unbounded privacy breach introduced by (ε,δ)-approximate DP. In practice, however, one needs to apply approximate sampling methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), thus re-introducing the unappealing δ-approximation error into the privacy guarantees. To bridge this gap, we propose the Approximate SAample Perturbation (abbr. ASAP) algorithm which perturbs an MCMC sample with noise proportional to its Wasserstein-infinity (W∞) distance from a reference distribution that satisfies pure DP or pure Gaussian DP (i.e., δ=0). We then leverage a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate the sample and prove that the algorithm converges in W∞ distance. We show that by combining our new techniques with a localization step, we obtain the first nearly linear-time algorithm that achieves the optimal rates in the DP-ERM problem with strongly convex and smooth losses.more » « less
To quantify trade-offs between increasing demand for open data sharing and concerns about sensitive information disclosure, statistical data privacy (SDP) methodology analyzes data release mechanisms that sanitize outputs based on confidential data. Two dominant frameworks exist: statistical disclosure control (SDC) and the more recent differential privacy (DP). Despite framing differences, both SDC and DP share the same statistical problems at their core. For inference problems, either we may design optimal release mechanisms and associated estimators that satisfy bounds on disclosure risk measures, or we may adjust existing sanitized output to create new statistically valid and optimal estimators. Regardless of design or adjustment, in evaluating risk and utility, valid statistical inferences from mechanism outputs require uncertainty quantification that accounts for the effect of the sanitization mechanism that introduces bias and/or variance. In this review, we discuss the statistical foundations common to both SDC and DP, highlight major developments in SDP, and present exciting open research problems in private inference.
Abstract In the past decade, differential privacy has seen remarkable success as a rigorous and practical formalization of data privacy. This privacy definition and its divergence based relaxations, however, have several acknowledged weaknesses, either in handling composition of private algorithms or in analysing important primitives like privacy amplification by subsampling. Inspired by the hypothesis testing formulation of privacy, this paper proposes a new relaxation of differential privacy, which we term ‘f-differential privacy’ (f-DP). This notion of privacy has a number of appealing properties and, in particular, avoids difficulties associated with divergence based relaxations. First, f-DP faithfully preserves the hypothesis testing interpretation of differential privacy, thereby making the privacy guarantees easily interpretable. In addition, f-DP allows for lossless reasoning about composition in an algebraic fashion. Moreover, we provide a powerful technique to import existing results proven for the original differential privacy definition to f-DP and, as an application of this technique, obtain a simple and easy-to-interpret theorem of privacy amplification by subsampling for f-DP. In addition to the above findings, we introduce a canonical single-parameter family of privacy notions within the f-DP class that is referred to as ‘Gaussian differential privacy’ (GDP), defined based on hypothesis testing of two shifted Gaussian distributions. GDP is the focal privacy definition among the family of f-DP guarantees due to a central limit theorem for differential privacy that we prove. More precisely, the privacy guarantees of any hypothesis testing based definition of privacy (including the original differential privacy definition) converges to GDP in the limit under composition. We also prove a Berry–Esseen style version of the central limit theorem, which gives a computationally inexpensive tool for tractably analysing the exact composition of private algorithms. Taken together, this collection of attractive properties render f-DP a mathematically coherent, analytically tractable and versatile framework for private data analysis. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the tools we develop by giving an improved analysis of the privacy guarantees of noisy stochastic gradient descent.
Differential privacy has seen remarkable success as a rigorous and practical formalization of data privacy in the past decade. This privacy definition and its divergence based relaxations, however, have several acknowledged weaknesses, either in handling composition of private algorithms or in analyzing important primitives like privacy amplification by subsampling. Inspired by the hypothesis testing formulation of privacy, this paper proposes a new relaxation, which we term `f-differential privacy' (f-DP). This notion of privacy has a number of appealing properties and, in particular, avoids difficulties associated with divergence based relaxations. First, f-DP preserves the hypothesis testing interpretation. In addition, f-DP allows for lossless reasoning about composition in an algebraic fashion. Moreover, we provide a powerful technique to import existing results proven for original DP to f-DP and, as an application, obtain a simple subsampling theorem for f-DP. In addition to the above findings, we introduce a canonical single-parameter family of privacy notions within the f-DP class that is referred to as `Gaussian differential privacy' (GDP), defined based on testing two shifted Gaussians. GDP is focal among the f-DP class because of a central limit theorem we prove. More precisely, the privacy guarantees of \emph{any} hypothesis testing based definition of privacy (including original DP) converges to GDP in the limit under composition. The CLT also yields a computationally inexpensive tool for analyzing the exact composition of private algorithms. Taken together, this collection of attractive properties render f-DP a mathematically coherent, analytically tractable, and versatile framework for private data analysis. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the tools we develop by giving an improved privacy analysis of noisy stochastic gradient descent.more » « less