As large, high‐severity forest fires increase and snowpacks become more vulnerable to climate change across the western USA, it is important to understand post‐fire disturbance impacts on snow hydrology. Here, we examine, quantify, parameterize, model, and assess the post‐fire radiative forcing effects on snow to improve hydrologic modelling of snow‐dominated watersheds having experienced severe forest fires. Following a 2011 high‐severity forest fire in the Oregon Cascades, we measured snow albedo, monitored snow, and micrometeorological conditions, sampled snow surface debris, and modelled snowpack energy and mass balance in adjacent burned forest (BF) and unburned forest sites. For three winters following the fire, charred debris in the BF reduced snow albedo, accelerated snow albedo decay, and increased snowmelt rates thereby advancing the date of snow disappearance compared with the unburned forest. We demonstrate a new parameterization of post‐fire snow albedo as a function of days‐since‐snowfall and net snowpack energy balance using an empirically based exponential decay function. Incorporating our new post‐fire snow albedo decay parameterization in a spatially distributed energy and mass balance snow model, we show significantly improved predictions of snow cover duration and spatial variability of snow water equivalent across the BF, particularly during the late snowmelt period. Field measurements, snow model results, and remote sensing data demonstrate that charred forests increase the radiative forcing to snow and advance the timing of snow disappearance for several years following fire. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Abstract. Snow algae contribute to snowmelt by darkening the surface, reducing its albedo. However, the potential consequences of algae under the surface (such as after a fresh snowfall) on albedo reduction is not known. In this study, we examined the impact of sub-surface snow algae on surface energy absorption. The results indicate energy absorption across all analysed wavelength ranges when snow algae are snow-covered, an effect that was correlated with both cell densities and chlorophyll-a concentrations. These findings suggest that snow algae lower albedo and thus increase snow melt even when snow-covered.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2113783
- 10559005
- Publisher / Repository:
- EGUsphere
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Institution:
- University of Montana
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract. The Snow, Ice, and Aerosol Radiative (SNICAR) model has been used in various capacities over the last 15 years to model the spectral albedo of snow with light-absorbing constituents (LACs). Recent studies have extended the model to include an adding-doubling two-stream solver and representations of non-spherical ice particles; carbon dioxide snow; snow algae; and new types of mineral dust, volcanic ash, and brown carbon. New options also exist for ice refractive indices and solar-zenith-angle-dependent surface spectral irradiances used to derive broadband albedo. The model spectral range was also extended deeper into the ultraviolet for studies of extraterrestrial and high-altitude cryospheric surfaces. Until now, however, these improvements and capabilities have not been merged into a unified code base. Here, we document the formulation and evaluation of the publicly available SNICAR-ADv3 source code, web-based model, and accompanying library of constituent optical properties. The use of non-spherical ice grains, which scatter less strongly into the forward direction, reduces the simulated albedo perturbations from LACs by ∼9 %–31 %, depending on which of the three available non-spherical shapes are applied. The model compares very well against measurements of snow albedo from seven studies, though key properties affecting snow albedo are not fully constrained with measurements, including ice effective grain size of the top sub-millimeter of the snowpack, mixing state of LACs with respect to ice grains, and site-specific LAC optical properties. The new default ice refractive indices produce extremely high pure snow albedo (>0.99) in the blue and ultraviolet part of the spectrum, with such values only measured in Antarctica so far. More work is needed particularly in the representation of snow algae, including experimental verification of how different pigment expressions and algal cell concentrations affect snow albedo. Representations and measurements of the influence of liquid water on spectral snow albedo are also needed.more » « less
ABSTRACT Snow algae can form large-scale blooms across the snowpack surface and near-surface environments. These pigmented blooms can decrease snow albedo and increase local melt rates, and they may impact the global heat budget and water cycle. Yet, the underlying causes for the geospatial occurrence of these blooms remain unconstrained. One possible factor contributing to snow algal blooms is the presence of mineral dust as a micronutrient source. We investigated the bioavailability of iron (Fe)-bearing minerals, including forsterite (Fo 90 , Mg 1.8 Fe 0.2 SiO 4 ), goethite, smectite, and pyrite as Fe sources for a Chloromonas brevispina -bacterial coculture through laboratory-based experimentation. Fo 90 was capable of stimulating snow algal growth and increased the algal growth rate in otherwise Fe-depleted cocultures. Fo 90 -bearing systems also exhibited a decrease in the ratio of bacteria to algae compared to those of Fe-depleted conditions, suggesting a shift in microbial community structure. The C. brevispina coculture also increased the rate of Fo 90 dissolution relative to that of an abiotic control. Analysis of 16S rRNA genes in the coculture identified Gammaproteobacteria , Betaproteobacteria , and Sphingobacteria , all of which are commonly found in snow and ice environments. Archaea were not detected. Collimonas and Pseudomonas , which are known to enhance mineral weathering rates, comprised two of the top eight (>1%) operational taxonomic units (OTUs). These data provide unequivocal evidence that mineral dust can support elevated snow algal growth under otherwise Fe-depleted growth conditions and that snow algal microbial communities can enhance mineral dissolution under these conditions. IMPORTANCE Fe, a key micronutrient for photosynthetic growth, is necessary to support the formation of high-density snow algal blooms. The laboratory experiments described herein allow for a systematic investigation of the interactions of snow algae, bacteria, and minerals and their ability to mobilize and uptake mineral-bound Fe. Results provide unequivocal and comprehensive evidence that mineral-bound Fe in Fe-bearing Fo 90 was bioavailable to Chloromonas brevispina snow algae within an algal-bacterial coculture. This evidence includes (i) an observed increase in snow algal density and growth rate, (ii) decreased ratios of bacteria to algae in Fo 90 -containing cultures relative to those of cultures grown under similarly Fe-depleted conditions with no mineral-bound Fe present, and (iii) increased Fo 90 dissolution rates in the presence of algal-bacterial cocultures relative to those of abiotic mineral controls. These results have important implications for the role of mineral dust in supplying micronutrients to the snow microbiome, which may help support dense snow algal blooms capable of lowering snow albedo and increasing snow melt rates on regional, and possibly global, scales.more » « less
Abstract We extend a stochastic aerosol‐snow albedo model to explicitly simulate dust internally/externally mixed with snow grains of different shapes and for the first time quantify the combined effects of dust‐snow internal mixing and snow nonsphericity on snow optical properties and albedo. Dust‐snow internal/external mixing significantly enhances snow single‐scattering coalbedo and absorption at wavelengths of <1.0 μm, with stronger enhancements for internal mixing (relative to external mixing) and higher dust concentrations but very weak dependence on snow size and shape variabilities. Compared with pure snow, dust‐snow internal mixing reduces snow albedo substantially at wavelengths of <1.0 μm, with stronger reductions for higher dust concentrations, larger snow sizes, and spherical (relative to nonspherical) snow shapes. Compared to internal mixing, dust‐snow external mixing generally shows similar spectral patterns of albedo reductions and effects of snow size and shape. However, relative to external mixing, dust‐snow internal mixing enhances the magnitude of albedo reductions by 10%–30% (10%–230%) at the visible (near‐infrared) band. This relative enhancement is stronger as snow grains become larger or nonspherical, with comparable influences from snow size and shape. Moreover, for dust‐snow external and internal mixing, nonspherical snow grains have up to ~45% weaker albedo reductions than spherical grains, depending on snow size, dust concentration, and wavelength. The interactive effect of dust‐snow mixing state and snow shape highlights the importance of accounting for these two factors concurrently in snow modeling. For application to land/climate models, we develop parameterizations for dust effects on snow optical properties and albedo with high accuracy.
Abstract Snow is a critical component of the Earth system. High-elevation snow can persist into the spring, summer, and early fall and hosts a diverse array of life, including snow algae. Due in part to the presence of pigments, snow algae lower albedo and accelerate snow melt, which has led to increasing interest in identifying and quantifying the environmental factors that constrain their distribution. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration is low in supraglacial snow on Cascade stratovolcanoes, and snow algae primary productivity can be stimulated through DIC addition. Here we asked if inorganic carbon would be a limiting nutrient for snow hosted on glacially eroded carbonate bedrock, which could provide an additional source of DIC. We assayed snow algae communities for nutrient and DIC limitation on two seasonal snowfields on glacially eroded carbonate bedrock in the Snowy Range of the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, United States. DIC stimulated snow algae primary productivity in snow with lower DIC concentration despite the presence of carbonate bedrock. Our results support the hypothesis that increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations may lead to larger and more robust snow algae blooms globally, even for sites with carbonate bedrock.